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STEPHANIE AND CYNTHIA walked into Rydell together but went their separate ways when the T-Birds came to talk to them. Cynthia went to the auditorium while Stephanie went to her locker to put her books away. The T-Birds followed after Cynthia, all except Gil, who went after Stephanie.

"Can we talk?" He asked while leaning against the lockers beside hers.

"I'd rather not," Stephanie said as she slammed her locker shut and started walking away from him.

He sighed and followed after like a lost puppy dog., "Don't be like that, Steph."

She turned around with a forced smile. "I can be however I want, Gil."

"What do you want from me?" He had a joking smile, but he was being serious. He needed her to forgive him.

She turned back around. "Apologize to my sister." And with that, she left him in the middle of the hallway, so she could go sit with Cynthia for the election speeches.

Stephanie found her sister when she walked into the auditorium and sat in the empty seat beside her. "You saved me a seat?" She asked playfully, trying to get her sister to stop sulking about a bunch of pubescent, stupid boys.

Before Cynthia could respond with a snarky remark, Ms. McGee was hollering for the candidates to go to the stage. Everyone watched as most of the Soc's male members strolled up to the stage.

Buddy Aldridge was the first to speak because he was running for president again. "I want to promise you all that nothing like the shenanigans of last night's pep rally will ever happen again. As the current class president, I take responsibility for that. I failed you. But know that because I failed you, I will work harder than ever to win back your trust." He took a deep breath. "If you vote for me, I promise that things will go back to like before, so we can all just have fun again."

A tall, lanky boy put his arm around Buddy. "And I endorse him! Let's have fun like we did before!"

And people in the audience yelled back. "Vote for Buddy in '54!"

Everyone started to clap while Stephanie rolled her eyes and leaned over to Cynthia. "He's like the All-American Boy. Don't you think? It makes me sick."

Cynthia laughed and was about to say something, but some kid yelling, "Slut!" cut her off. The twins looked to the front of the stage only to see Jane Facciano looking out into the crowd. Stephanie closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. She felt bad for Jane; she seemed to be a nice girl who didn't deserve to be hated by everyone.

When Stephanie opened her eyes, Jane was on the stage talking, "I just want to say that I don't think Rydell was so fun for everyone before. It wasn't for me. And I know it hasn't been for a lot of kids who don't fit in for whatever reason. 'Cause we're considered strange or the wrong type. The truth is that most people in this auditorium aren't popular. Some don't even want to be. We just wanna be ourselves, but we haven't even gotten a chance to do that yet or to have fun. 'Cause we're too busy just trying to survive high school. Maybe you've accepted that. Maybe you're used to things being that way at Rydell. As the new girl, I'll tell you, it's crap."

Cynthia put her hand up to her mouth and shouted while Stephanie gave Jane a short but loud clapping moment. Most people stared at the two girls but they could have cared less. Ms. McGee shook her head, "Jane if you're not going to run-"

Ms. McGee was cut off by Olivia Valdovinos' voice. "I endorse her!"

Susan St. Clair stood up, "You can't endorse her. She isn't running for anything."

Cynthia stood up, "Well, maybe she should! I endorse her too!"

Not even a moment later, Stephanie was standing up with her sister. "Me three!" She shouted as she and her sister made their way to the stage.

The Nancy girl in Home Economics with the other four girls raised her hand, "Make that four!" She yelled before walking up to the stage.

The five girls stood in a line on the stage as people yelled at them to get off the stage and sit back down, but they didn't because they were all very stubborn and had a point to prove.

Ms. McGee asked the burning question. "Jane, would you like to throw your hat back into the ring?"

She smiled and looked at the girls surrounding her, "Yes. For president."

There was a lot of booing after that statement, but there was an equal amount of clapping. And that is when Cynthia yelled, "Vote for Jane!" and mooned the audience.

And because they were in too deep to go back. All the other girls on the stage turned around and hiked up their skirts. Earning a lot of cheers and laughter. And Ms. McGee yelled, "Pull those skirts up right now!"

They all pulled up their skirts and ran off, but before she was completely off the stage, Olivia yelled, "Make Rydell fun for everyone!"

The girls ran straight for the T-Bird car. Olivia and Jane sat in the front while Cynthia, Nancy, and Stephanie jumped in the back. Olivia started the engine, and the girls drove off in a flash, laughing a hollering.

Jane put her head in her hands. "Why did we just do?"

Olivia smiled, "That was crazy."

Stephanie laughed and put her head on Nancy's shoulder. "Well, there's no going back now."

Jane let go of her head and closed her eyes. "I'm on the verge of a heart attack. How could we have been so stupid?"

Cynthia shrugged, "I think it's kinda fun being ruthless."

Jane pointed to a nice-looking house, "That's mine. You can park in the driveway."

Olivia nodded and pulled up to the Facciano's house. All the girls got out of the car and entered Jane's house. Once they were inside, they followed Jane up to her room and plopped down on her bed. Jane was the first to speak. "Who am I to think I could run? What would my campaign be?"

Olivia laughed and put her head in Stephanie's lap, "How about 'Presidential Slut'?

Jane had tears in her eyes, "Two days ago, I was in his jacket, and now I'm running against him. That feels sorta wrong."

Cynthia shook her head, "Who said boys are the king of jackets?"

Nancy excitedly smiled. "Those tasteless dogs don't dictate fashion."

Stephanie agreed, "You shouldn't waste tears over ugly outwear. You don't need a letterman."

Cynthia hummed, "Or a leather jacket."

Jane jumped off her bed and stood in front of the other four girls, gaining all their attention. "The five of us together could start a new gang." All of the girls nodded in unison. "We'll need some jackets."

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