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STEPHANIE AND GIL walked into the Frosty Palace side-by-side and immediately sat at a table for two. This was proven a mistake when the other girls in Stephanie's unnamed girl gang walked into the diner and dragged her over to their table; Gil followed as Stephanie tried to pry her baby sister's iron grip off her shoulders.

"Let go of me, Cynthia." Stephanie lightly yelled as she was being moved. "I'm eating with Gil."

Once the girls found another table, Cynthia sat her sister down beside her. "I don't care about your date. We," She motioned to their friend group. "Have important stuff to do."

Stephanie looked over at Gil, who just shook his head and smiled; It was a beautiful smile that made Stephanie feel even worse about their predicament. "It's okay," Gil said. "Raincheck?"

Stephanie sighed, "Raincheck." She mumbled, sounding and feeling very unhappy about this situation. She was going to kill Cynthia.

Steph watched as Gil left the diner and got into his car. When he was gone, she turned around and hit Cynthia on the head. The injured girl responded with, "What was that for?"

Stephanie rolled her eyes. "You know what that was for."

"Anyway," Olivia interrupted. "Jane has something for us. Right, Jane?"

Jane nodded and pulled out a folded piece of paper. "Jane, I've always thought of myself as a good guy, but after what you said, I realized I'm not. I've done loads of terrible things. I've cheated on tests, smoked, drank liquor, and never told anyone this, but I'm a perverted sex fiend. I'm addicted to self-abuse, sometimes four times a day."

Cynthia picked up her arm and made a, let's call it dirty, motion. "You think all that forearm work helps him with football?"

Stephanie laughed at her sister's comment while the others scoffed and gagged. Jane continued reading the letter. "I'm sorry I lied about us going all the way. I know that you haven't. The worst part is that I have, last year with Susie."

That part of the letter led to Stephanie and Cynthia fake vomiting on the table and floor. Jane held up her finger, "But I regret that because I wasn't in love with her like I, then he crossed out "was" and wrote "am" in love with you. Please forgive me. Love, Buddy."

Olivia pointed at the letter, "This is perfect. We just got to show everyone this letter."

Jane shook her head. "This isn't just some nudie mag. That'd be wrong."

"More wrong than what he did to you?" Stephanie added in her two cents.

Cynthia agreed with her sister, "Come on, he's asking for it."

Olivia held her hands out in front of her. "What if we blackmailed him instead? Either he drops out of the race, or we expose him for the lying dirtbag he really is."

Nancy nodded, "The socs are having their party tonight."

"I don't know," Jane mumbled.

"He had the perfect chance to set the record straight in the locker room, but he just left and went into the shower."

Cynthia picked up a ketchup bottle and shook it in a knowing motion. "Yeah, probably to flog his log."

Stephanie took the bottle away and made a disgusted face, "Gross, Cynthia, not with the ketchup."

Cynthia rolled her eyes, "We could have the T-Birds drive us." She then jabbed her elbow into her older sister's rib cage. "Gil will do anything his steady lover asks."

Stephanie pretended to gag, "Never say that again."

"What?" Cynthia asked. "Steady lover? Do you prefer Mrs. Rizzo already?"

"Oh, shut up, Cynthia," Stephanie picked up the ketchup bottle. "Before I jab this in your eye."

And that's pretty much how the rest of the day went for the Zdunowski girls before Gil and his little boy posse picked them up and took them to Dot's house for a fascinating party.

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