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CYNTHIA QUICKLY STOOD up when the other girls in the name impending girl gang appeared in the hallway, wiping away her tears. "Did you expose that lying bastard?" She asked as Stephanie stood up, stretching out her feet.

Jane sighed and put her head down. "I couldn't."

Stephanie stared at her with a confused face, "Why not?"

Jane looked over her shoulder and made eye contact with the man in question, Buddy Aldridge. The girls all stared at him until he walked away, Jane's gaze being the only one that looked rather kind.

Once he walked away, Nancy turned to stare at Jane, her eyes softening. "He deserves to go down."

"Well, that's just it," Jane said. "It wouldn't be him who goes down."

A light bulb clicked in Olivia's head. "It'd be Susan."

Jane nodded, "He cheats on a test, he's cool. He smokes reefer, he's cool. He goes all the way with Susan, he's cool."

Stephanie hummed, "And she'd be a slut."

"Just like people say about us," Jane mumbled.

Cynthia rolled her eyes, "I don't understand girls."

"What?" Jane asked.

Cynthia pointed to her chest, "If Buddy did to me what he did to you, he'd be home crying to his mommy right now with a fat lip." Stephanie put a hand on her little sister's shoulder and nodded in agreement.

Olivia sighed, "I should probably get home before my mom finds out I snuck out."

"But it's barely eleven!" Nancy exclaimed.

"Yeah, let's make like a tree and leave," Cynthia mumbled, walking towards the front door. "I don't want to see Gil's rat face either."

Stephanie followed after her sister, "I think I might punch him in his stupid perfect face if I see him one more time tonight."

Nancy groaned so loudly that all the girls turned to look at her to see if she was alright. When they just saw her staring at them, they all looked confused. "You know, I was excited about coming to this party tonight because I thought we would all have fun, but instead, all any of you have done all night is obsess over stupid boys."

"Don't look at me," Cynthia said.

Nancy shook her head. "Here's looking right at ya, kid! You spent the whole night obsessed with impressing the T-Birds."

Cynthia took a deep breath. "Yeah, because none of you laugh at any of my jokes, and I'm hilarious."

"Excuse you," Stephanie crossed her arms. "I laugh at your jokes."

Cynthia rolled her eyes. "You don't count. You're my sister. Anyway, I guess I'm too girl to be one of the boys and too boy to be one of the girls. I'm out of here."

Cynthia started to walk off, "Cynthia wait," Stephanie commanded as she followed after her sister. "What are you doing?" She asked when it was just her and her sister.

"I'm going home," Cynthia mumbled, trying to walk away again but Stephanie grabbed her arm.

"Look at me, buttercup. You don't just walk away from your problems, and you definitely don't just walk away from your friends. We told Dad we would be out, so we're going to stay out." Stephanie pulled her sister back to their other friends, who were all intrigued by whatever Nancy was saying.

"...we had these parties all the time. Edith and Ellen and I went to dozens. All those Soc guys were there. Kissing is fine. It's a lark. But the best part was creating a brutal rating system with your friends afterwards."

Jane leaned on the wall, "So you kissed Buddy?"

Nancy shrugged, "Like 15 times. Solid B minus." Jane gave her a look, and Nancy got quiet. "Just being honest. Now everyone takes boys so seriously. Just imagine how fun this party would be if we could go backwards and do it all without boys."

The girls all stared out the window, imagining their own slumber party without stupid, disgusting, pig-headed boys. And it was like a dreamland, everyone was having fun, there was no competition, there was no dressing up, and there was cake. It was perfect. Just perfect.

Stephanie smiled with a sigh. "That sounds nice."

But the fun and games were over when Cynthia motioned everyone to a glass door. Some of the stupid, disgusting, pig-headed boys were using alcohol to their advantage. Nancy's face held an expression of disgust. "This is really low, even for those bottom feeders."

Olivia angrily shook her head. "Boys will be boys."

Jane sighed, loudly gaining the other girl's attention. "Maybe we can't prove that Buddy's not a good guy, but we can do something about these jerks right now."

"What do you have in mind?" Stephanie asked, cracking her fingers in case she needed to punch someone.

Nancy lightly hit Cynthia's arm. "You had a pretty good idea earlier."

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