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"Mama, can I go to Papa's place after school?"

Napatingin ako kay Kaior. He was holding his teddy bear at nakasuot pa rin ng pangtulog. I kneeled down para mapantayan ko siya.

"I'll tell your Papa, okay?" I told him, he immediately jumped off in happiness.

Kakauwi lang namin kahapon galing doon sa hotel. I was really tired yesterday but I still managed to get up early since may class pa.

As usual, hinatid na kami ni Dad. Nakarating na ako maya-maya pa at pumasok na ko. I sat on my seat and waited for Professor Fèudo. Dumating na siya at nagsimula na ang class.

While he was in the middle of lecturing, he suddenly caught my eyes and smiled at me, which also made me smile. Umiwas agad ako when I realized what I just did.

Okay, that was epic.

"Uh... Prof!" I called him when he was about to go.

He turned to me and smiled. "Yes?"

"Kaior wants to go to your place mamaya raw," I told him. His face lit up so quick when I mentioned his son's name. "Nasa school pa 'yon, you can-"

"We'll go get him later, sabay tayo." he said. "And I'll also bring you to my mansion, we can have a dinner in there."

"No need. You can take Kaior-"

"No. Sabay tayo." pinal na sabi niya at umalis na. Ugh! He is always cutting my words that annoys me!

I rolled my eyes at him and I just headed to the cafeteria and decided to have a face time with my friends. Sinagot agad ni Jeyo iyon, sumunod naman si Yohan.

"Omg! Zior, please watch my show, ah?" he sounded so excited.

"Oo, I will! Kailan ba?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." he winks at me that made me grin.

"Okay, tomorrow!" I said, excited too.

"I wish I could go," Jeyo pouted.

"You can go naman," sabi naman ni Yohan sa kaniya.

Jeyo closed his eyes and raised a book. "Psychology student life." he rolled his eyes. "Zior's lucky, he is too smart." he laughed.

"Hindi naman gaano," I chuckled.

We had a really long talks and I went back after. Si Kaiden pa rin naman ang pumasok. We didn't have that too much things to do kaya umuwi kami nang maaga.

Everytime our eyes met, I felt this sudden heat on my face kaya minsan napapaiwas ako. The worst thing is I couldn't focus that properly!

I was walking in the hallway, syempre uuwi na ako. I was also looking around and saw many people, nagsisiuwian na rin. I was about to go out when someone suddenly calls me.

When I turned my head, it was him again, the Spanish boy. Palagi talaga ako nitong iniinis sa loob ng room, lalo na kung wala p'ang prof.

"Hola, Zior," he grinned. Napakunot naman agad ang noo ko sa kaniya.

"¿Qué es?" I raised a brow at him, and that made him smile even wider.

"Are you free tonight?" he asked me.

"No, I'm not," I smiled sarcastically and when I was about to go away, he suddenly held my wrist. Ano b'ang trip nito?! "What?!" I didn't mean to yell, it was his fault, though. Ang lakas lang ng pagkakapit niya. He doesn't even want to let go!

"I was only asking you if you could come, why are you so rude?!" he yelled too. Mas nanlaki ang mata ko roon.

"I answered 'I am not'. Isn't that enough?! Let go of me!" I yelled back at him. I looked around and unfortunately, there is no one around anymore.

My Possessive Enemy (Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now