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"Where are we heading next?"

Natauhan ako nang mag-salita siya. I blinked twice at him before looking away, it feels so awkward! He just confessed towards me, and we kissed earlier sa restroom!

"I-I don't know," umiling ako.

"Baby, you're spacing out." Nag-aalalang sabi niya. He sighed heavily. "I know a place, come on."

He pulled me with him and held my hand. My cheek suddenly heated when our hands met. His hand was soft, ang sarap talagang hawakan.

We went on the other side of the road where his car was parked. He even opened the door for me so that I could get inside. What a gentle man!

"T-thank you," I smiled at him.

"Anything for you," he gave me a smile.

Sumakay na rin siya and then we drove away. We were just so quiet the whole time, and that added awkwardness in our space. I was so distracted, too! I didn't know what to do to escape this awkwardness!

"You can listen to a music, just connect your phone in my car's speaker," he said, napatikhim din siya roon.

"Okay," I responded and connected my phone on his car. Then, hinanap ko ang name ng bluetooth niya and nagpa-music na ako.

The title of the song I played was "Love" by Keyshia Cole. Hindi ko namalayan na napasabay rin pala siya sa pagkanta, sumabay na lang din ako.

"Oh... love... never know what I was missing, but I knew once we start kissing, I found... love." And he repeated it.

Once I realized the lyrics, I suddenly stopped on singing with him. Pangiti-ngiti pa siyang kumakanta. Relate na relate ata siya?

"Oh, why did you stop?" He asked.

Dali-dali akong umiwas ng tingin. And b*bo ko naman! Bakit iyong song na 'yon pa ang pinili ko?! It just added more awkwardness in our space!

"Ah, gets ko na," he chuckled, nanlaki ang mga mata ko. "The lyrics was wrong, though. I had loved you since then, but the time I kissed you inside the restroom.. that was also the time when I realized that, you know." He explained.

I didn't talk and just nodded at him. I cannot explain what am I feeling right now. It was like... I'm at peace and in calmness. In a minute, he parked the car on some kind of a... forest?

He went out of the car first before I went out too. Nagtaka ako dahil feel ko sobrang layo na namin sa syudad, and it was already dark, but the moon shined our way.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Not really." I told him the truth. Bata pa nga lang ako gusto ko nang manood ng horror movies, pero iyong less br*tal.

And nang tumungtong na ako sa 12, I really love watching horror g*ry and br*tal movies, like; Evil Dead, Wrong Turn, Terrifier, and many more. Aside sa mga superheroes mga ganoon na movies, mahilig din ako sa mga 'yan.

"If that's what you say, come on, follow me." He said. I was expecting for him to go first, but he suddenly went to me and held my hand.

I can already hear my heartbeat! It was so fast and loud, lalo na na tahimik dito sa forrest. Oh, how I hope Raike wouldn't hear this.

I was actually expecting for an empty forrest with a perfect spot inside it, but when we started walking and walking, all my expectations were actually wrong.

Halos malaglag na ang panga ko sa mangha sa lugar na naka-tago rito. I can already feel the cold breeze that brushed my skin, and I can already hear the waves that mets the sands.

My Possessive Enemy (Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now