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I was speechless.

Facing these missions that were getting more and more outrageous, I started wondering if there would be a day when I would be driven to an early death by the system.

Asking Jennie to stay the night...

We are not even friends right now; why would she agree to stay the night?

And suddenly asking someone to stay the night was even stranger!

Our hotels are even closer!!

I don't even want to try it; I would die if I tried.

I had worked so hard to build up my relationship with Jennie that it couldn't all go to waste because of this lousy mission.

"What's going on with your system? How can the missions get more and more unprofessional, more and more outrageous?"

How is it unprofessional? It's just staying the night. We're not asking you to do something else; are you thinking of something you shouldn't? Besides, the missions issued by the system are all to deepen the feelings between the main leads. It's probably because it was detected that the atmosphere between you two was good just now, so they just gave you a push to help out. You didn't expect that, did you?

I really didn't expect that.

What a nice push to help out.

But could they first consider that our hotels were close by and just needed a few minutes of walking to get there?

Alright, there's only one minute; it's urgent; go complete the mission.

I scoffed in my heart and used my immunity pass. "You didn't expect that, did you?"

I sure didn't.

The mission failed, but since there was no punishment this time, it went into the list of missions yet to be completed.

I felt my heart hurt at using the immunity pass.

The immunity pass I had worked so hard to get this morning was gone by nighttime.

Tch! I only have two left.

But thinking about it, it was a good thing since it didn't ruin the impression Jennie had of me right now.

I felt comforted in the middle of my heartache.

I sighed heavily and followed Jennie to the door, seeing her out.

"Miss Kim, be careful on your way back; send me a message once you reach the hotel."

Jennie turned back to look at me silently.

I awkwardly pressed my lips together and smiled embarrassedly.

My god, I forgot I don't have her contacts yet.

Luckily, Jennie didn't show any expressions or continue the topic.

She just calmly said, "Sleep early; see you tomorrow."

The awkwardness was skipped over just like that.

I nodded my head frantically.

I closed the door and went to shower before lying on my bed.

Suddenly, I started to worry.

Jackson had just said the system would check the atmosphere before giving us a push to increase the feelings between the main leads.

Then the next time, the mission would be just as outrageous, or even more outrageous.

Save me!

At this moment, Jungkook sent a message over and broke me out of my reverie.

Outrageous [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now