Damage types

13 0 0

Rad damage: Radiation or rads don't directly damage you, but if you get hit by enough, you'll suffer from debuffs.

15 rads= Minor Rad poisoning (-1 endurance)

30 Rads= Average Rad poisoning (-2 Endurance and Strength)

50 Rads= Bad Rad poisoning ( -3 Endurance and Strength, -7 AP)

80 Rads= Deadly Rad poisoning (-4 Endurance, Strength, Charisma,-14 AP, -15 item slots.)

100 Rads= Death.

Poison damage: During Combat, poison damage will take a small bit of health at the end of your turn. (To recover,you need to either take an antidote health item or use a healing spell) The amount of damage can be determined by your endurance.

1-3= 5 damage



Bleed damage: When hit by certain melee weapons, you suffer from Bleed which takes a small bit of health for a set amount of turns, depending on your endurance.

1-3= 7 damage for 7 turns.

4-6=5 damage for 5 turns

7-10=2 damage for 3 turns.

Cryo damage: Being hit by a freeze attack will cause you to possibly skip your turn with the flip of a coin. Your endurance can determine the number of turns you'll suffer.

1-3= 7 turns

4-6=3 turns

7-10=1 turn

Concussive damage: taking a blow to the head can slow you down, you flip a roll a die, 1= attack an ally,2-3=hit the target,4-6= skip your turn. This will last for 5 turns.

Shock damage: after getting shocked, for 5 turns, you flip a coin and call it. You call wrong,you skip your turn. (Some armor can prevent getting shocked,while others will cause you to suffer double damage (power armor and metal armors)

Fire damage: for 4 turns, a small portion of your health will be taken. Depending on your endurance.




Some races may have immunity,Weakness,or resistance to these damage types.

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