Chapter 1- Tmr

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(I'll probably rewrite some hp ones, so there will be some I already wrote, just with tmr characters)

Tess: My talent is identifying birds
Newt: Oh really? Then whats this one? *points at some bird*
Tess: yep, its definitely a bird
Tess: Lian, the real question is does she like you?
'Cause if she doesn't like you this is all a moo point
Lian: a moo point?
Tess: You know, like a cow' s opinion. It doesn't matter. Its a Moo.
Lian [turns to Minho]: Have I been living with her for too long, or did all that just make sense?
Tess: Yes, I'm looking for trouble
Tess: And if I can't find it,
Tess: I will create it
Newt: Tess, no!
Newt *sees Tess covered in blood*: oh my god, you're bleedin' !
Tess: what?
Tess *looks down*: oh! Don't worry, its not my blood.
Newt: well tHAT's so fuCKinG reasSURING-
Tess: In my defense, I was left unsupervised
Alby: But you were with Minho??
Minho: in my defense, I was also left unsupervised
Newt: Did you have to stab him?
Tess: You weren't there. You didn't hear what he said to me.
Newt: what did he say?
Tess: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
Minho: thats fair
Newt: Minho, no-
Lian, walking in: who did she stab?
Newt: Gally
Lian: hahaha good one
Newt: Lian-
Newt: My late Tess-
Lian: What? Tess isn't dead.
Newt: No, but she's late. She should've been here 20 minutes ago.
Lian: Oh you meant literally late
Newt: Also I'm goin' to murder her for being late
Lian: You wouldn't do that
Newt: ......I wouldn't.....
Frypan: Lian, can you tell your girlfriend to get us some food
Lian: Megan isn't my girlfriend
Frypan: I never said anything about Megan
Lian: fuck
Tess: what the fuck is this?
Minho: ew what does it do?
Tess: oH MY goD oh mY GOd
Minho: guys! gUYS!
Lian, running so fast that she trips: what's wrong! What happe-
Lian: Guys please give me my child back.....
Lian [holding their newborn baby] : aw she/he looks just like you Megan
Megan: no, he/she is all you-
Tess [whispering to Newt]: what are they talking about he looks like a fucking alien-
Newt: st0p
Minho *bursts out laughing*
*in a group chat*
(if there would be internet and phones ofc)

Tess: lol I'm dying help
Lian: oof same
Minho: mood
Thomas: wth guys
Wanda: yayyy..
Lucas: lmao
Megan: :(
Newt: rip, what's up?
Tess: no like I'm legit dying
Tess: some guy stabbed me lol
Tess: *sends a picture of herself with a knife in her stomach*
7 people are typing......
Tess: you want to see a butterfly?
Lian: yes
Newt: NO-
Tess: *throws the butter on Gally*
Minho: absolutely majestic
Lian: beautiful
Most heard things in the Glade:
"Who tf ate my food?!"
*crash* "it wasn't me"
Lian: if I hate myself does that make me homophopic?
Megan: If I love myself does that make me gay?
Lian: you are gay, Megan
Megan: oh, yeah
Tess: there's three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way and the Tess way
Lian: isn't that the wrong way?
Tess: yeah, but its faster and better.
Newt, teaching Tess how to drive: So you're driving and Minho with Alby walk out onto the road.
What do you hit?
Tess: definitely Alby
Newt: The brakes, Tess. You hit the brakes.
Lian: Wtf why is there a normal sized carrot in the bag of mini carrots?
Minho: they need supervision.
Megan: if you died, what would your last words be?
Lian: "finally"
Megan: no honey
Newt: lets write Tess a friendly note, shall we? dear......idiotic......dumbass
Thomas: how is your sleep schedule?
Lian: would you like the long detailed answer or the summary
Thomas: summary?
Lian: fucked
Tess: Go tell her she's cute.
Lian: no
Tess: come on, whats the worst that could happen?
Lian: she could hear me
Lian: have you ever broken a bone?
Tess: yeah
Lian: did it hurt?
Tess: not at all
Lian(confused): wtf what bone did you break?
Tess: Gally's arm
Tess: Hey Minho, on a scale from 1-7 whats your favorite day of the alphabet
Minho: purple
Lian as a Greenie: what the fuck
Newt: you get used to it

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