Chapter 4- Tmr

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Tess: Yes I do stupid things and I can easily get into trouble
Minho: But?
Tess: No thats it
Newt: She reminds me of someone
Lian: Sometimes I'm wondering why I'm still alive
Megan: c'mon don't say that!
Lian: No like seriously I'm friends with bunch of total assholes and I'm doing dumb shit with them not mentioning that there's a deathly flare outside
Lian: Do you think she's gay?
Tess, trying to sleep: Idk
Lian: What if she's straight....
Tess: idk
Lian: And if so, would she like me if she would be gay?
Tess: jesus christ
Lian: Would she like me if I would be boy?
Tess: Lian I.....
Lian: Do you think she likes light hair more? Should I change my hair color?
Tess: Gurl what the fuck-
Tess: You can say ,,Have a nice day!" without a problem.
Tess: But you can't say ,,Enjoy next 24 hours" without sounding threatening.
Newt: Go to sleep Tess, I beg you.
Gally, to Tess: Hey
Tess: wrong number
Gally: You're standing right in front of me.
Tess: Wrong adress
Gally: .........
Minho: Please leave a message after the tone.
Tess & Minho (at the same time) : beep.
Gally: Don't breath next to me
Lian: How about you stop breathing
Chuck, trying to open a jar: Shitty ass lid!
Newt: *looks at Tess*
Newt: I wonder where he got that from.
Tess: The fucking fridge
Frypan, rushing to the kitchen: Chuck put that jar down!
Lian: Life, please give me will to live
Megan: *walks into the room*
Lian: thank you life
Tess: you must all be wondering why I've gathered you here today.....
Newt: Tess--
Tess: Now tell me who the fuck ate my pudding cups
Chuck: *sneaks into his bed at 2am*
Newt: *turns in a swivel chair*
Newt: care to tell where you were?
Chuck: I was with Tess
Tess: *also turns in a swivel chair*
Teas: Care to- *keeps spinning* Newt- I can't stop- the chair-
Lian: *grabs some paper from the ground*
Paper: *has straight line on it*
Paper: ,,Some straightness, because you're so gay."
Lian: who tf-
Alby: Teresa, I swear to god!
Tess: what? you want me to say it somehow nicer?
Tess: okay then 
Tess: hellon't uncool people!
Thomas: you look tired. How long did you sleep last night.
Lian: ......8 hours, why?
Thomas: Hey Teresa how long did Lian sleep?
Teresa: She was awake when I fell asleep and she was awake when I woke up.
Lian: betrayal
Newt: Hey Lian, how's
your day going?
Lian: It was great until 7am
Newt: What happened at 7am?
Lian: I woke up
Tess: Hey what cat walks on two legs
Gally: catwalk
Tess: nope, Garfield
Tess: what mouse walks on two legs?
Gally: Mickey
Tess: What duck walks on two legs?
Gally: Donald
Tess: All ducks idiot
Gally: *sighs*
Lian: So how do I tell this girl I love her?
Megan: Just suck it up and do it
Lian: Ok love you
Megan: Awhhh love you too, now go tell her !
Lian: I just did
Megan: How did it go?! What did she say?!
Lian: Well I realized how dumb she is sometimes
Minho: Hey guys.
Newt: hey
Lian: whats up?
Minho: Okay we have a question. What did the ocean say to the other ocean?
Lian: what
Tess: nothing they just waved
Lian: oh
Newt: *sighs*
Minho: Do you sea what we did there?
Lian: no
Minho: I'm shore you did
Lian: How do you guys have friends
Tess: don't be such a beach
*Minho and Tess high fives*
Newt: Okay, enough for a day
Gally: words can't describe how stupid you are
Tess: words can't describe how smart you are
Gally: Uhm.... Thanks?
Tess: but numbers can
Tess: 0/10
*Gally and Tess having a fight again*
Tess: Gally?
Gally: yes?
Tess: will you be the sun of my life?
Tess: Then stay 92,935,700 miles away from me
Lian: Hey
Gally: Sorry I don't talk to losers
Lian: thats a lie
Gally: ??
Lian: One time I caught you talking to yourself
Chuck: there is a fire near the Homestead
Lian: fuck are you okay

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