CHAPTER TWO - Alessia De Luca

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CHAPTER TWO -  Alessia De Luca

The next morning, Remus and Peter were put up to date at breakfast about the previous night's ordeal. James assumed Remus had been paying attention, even though he had his nose in a book. Hogwarts: A History, or something.

"Moony, are you listening?" Sirius asked, putting his hand on Remus' book, blocking his view.

Remus growled - menacingly, but quietly - and Sirius pulled his hand away, very quickly, for fear of being bitten. James smiled slightly at Remus' attitude, knowing it was just a bluff.

"Did you guys see the new girl?" Peter suddenly asked. Sirius and James (Remus didn't even bother looking up) glanced at each other, both thinking along the lines of "Is she hot?"

"I think she's an exchange student from Beauxbaton or something." Peter added.

"She doesn't have a French accent." Remus mumbled to himself.

"What, Moon-" James started, but was inturupted by Peter:

"Here she comes!" he said, pointing at someone over Sirius' shoulder.

The four fifth-year boys - including Remus this time - turned around to see her: she had long silvery blonde hair and gray eyes, which were filled with confusion. She looked directly at the group of boys and smiled. She ran over to them, Sirius, James, and Peter's hearts thumping.

"Remus," she said, relived. (Remus had been right, there was no French accent to be detected in her voice.) The other boys sat there in awe as she continued talking to the werewolf, "Have you seen Lily?" 

"Yeah," Remus said, smiling kindly at her, "In the library."

The girl rolled her eyes and her smile widened, "Of course; thank you." And she ran off, through the doors of the Great Hall.

"Who-" Sirius said, amazed, "-was that?"

"Alessia De Luca; she's an exchange student from some wizarding school in Italy. She's only here until the end of the year." Remus explained.

James suddenly swore very loudly, making a prefect sitting at the end of the table scowl at him. James stuck his tongue out at him, and the prefect's scowl deepened. James turned back to his friends.

"I have detention," he groaned loudly, his head falling in his hands, "with McGonagall. Like, in half an hour. She decided to make it ever-so-much painfuller by making it in the morning."

"So?" Sirius asked, taking a bite of his toast.

"So, I need you to follow Lily for me and find out what she got back from Andromeda!" James exclaimed, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Sirius coughed on his piece of toast. Remus patted his back, not looking up from the book.

"Dude, you know we'd do almost anything for you, but-" Peter started.

"We are not helping you stalk Evans." Sirius finished, breathing again.

Remus smiled slightly as he looked up:

"You guys are pretty stupid." he said to Peter and Sirius. They didn't look at all offended by Remus' statement, as if it was normal for Remus to insult them.

"Explain, please." Peter sighed.

"Alessia hangs out with Lily." Remus stated.

The wheels in the boys' heads slowly started to turn, and Sirius rounded on James:

"You know what, buddy?" he said, placing his hand on James' shoulder as his smile broadened, "We'll help you stalk Evans."

"I'm not stalking Evans!" James exploded.

A few heads turned at James' outburst, including a particularly greesy one at the Slytherin table across the hall.

"Hey, Snivellus!" James yelled, waving cheerfully at Severus Snape.

Snape looked at James coldly, rolled his eyes, and continued talking to Antonin Dolohov, a fifth year boy in their Potions class.

"To the library!" Sirius exclaimed, grabbed Peter and Remus by the collor and dashed out of the Great Hall and down the corridors, heading towards the library. Sirius suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and turned to Remus:


"Yes, Padfoot?" Remus asked, rubbing his neck. Peter copied him.

"Where's the library?" Sirius asked, innocently.

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