CHAPTER FOUR - A 'Sirius' Problem: Karma.

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CHAPTER FOUR - A 'Sirius' Problem

     Sirius punched Peter lightly in the shoulder and pointed to James. He had woken up:

     "What are you guys doing here?" he asked, tiredly. They quickly explained what had happened in the library.

     "See what happens when you send us to stalk someone?" Sirius asked, when they had finished, raising his eyebrows at James, who immediately blushed.

     "So what happened to you?" Remus asked, saving his friend an embarassing moment.

     "I was walking down the stairs to the library-" James started.

     "You know where the library is?!" Sirius exclaimed, making Lily look up at him from Alessia's bed-side. Madam Pomfrey was currently wrapping Alessia's shoulder. She then stepped back and took out her wand.

     "It'll hurt just a little, dear." Madam Pomfrey assured her, and pointed her wand at Alessia's shoulder.

     "Anyway," James continued, "I was heading to the library when the staircases changed. I lost my balance and kind of fell off the edge..."

     "James!" Peter scolded, "How many times has Remus told you to hold the railing when coming down magical staircases?"

     "Luckily," James continued for the third time, "Professor Dumbledore was walking along the third floor corridor and saw me falling to my death. He preformed a sort of advanced spell and I froze in mid-air."

     "That could have been very dangerous." Sirius said mockingly, in Remus' voice.

     "Sirius, Peter! Both of you shut the bloody hell up! James almost died and you guys are trying to make fun of me! Just shut up!" Remus exploded, making Madam Pomfrey give him a be-quiet-boy look.

     "He's mad." Sirius whispered to Peter, well aware that Remus was sending him death glares.

     "I can hear you!" he hissed.

     "Love you, Remus!" Sirius said, skipped over to Remus and pecked him on the cheek. Remus turned a dark scarlet, from a mix of embarrassment and anger. Lily burst out laughing and Alessia smiled for the first time since her injury. Sirius congratulated himself.

     "You're gay, mate." James joked, laughing.

     "I am." Sirius said, gravely.

     "Are you serious?" Remus asked, then regretted it. Of course he wasn't. And he, Remus Lupin, had just said the deadly word. Sirius knew that Remus wouldn't appreciate him saying the over-used pun. More reason to do it, then:

     "Yes, I am Sirius Black." he said, his eyes full of laughter.

     "You are so immature, Sirius!" Lily sighed, handing Alessia an apple from the table. She mumbled a 'thanks' and took a big bite of it, using her left arm. Peter was playing Wizards chess, and Alessia was winning. Alessia might think he was letting her win, but he just sucked.

     "So, Alessia, how'd you end up here?" James asked, speaking louder so she could hear him.

     "There was a werewolf attack in the library," she said, but smiled at Sirius with forgivness, "and things just got a little out of hand."

     It was nearly two - Saturday morning - when the boys and Lily got back to Gryffindor tower. All of them planned to meet up in the common room at twelve to go back to the Hospital Wing.

     The next morning, the boys were all rested and ready for another day in the life of the Marauders. Everything was back to normal. Almost.

     "I swear, she kissed me." Sirius said, leaning over James' bed, talking in a hushed voice to Peter, James and Remus.

     "She did not!" Remus exclaimed.

     "How do you know? He hung back, and she might have kissed him then!" Peter said, then turned to Sirius, "Was it a kiss, or did she snog you?"

     "Snog." Sirius said, and James smiled:

    "You got her, mate." he said, tapping him on the back, "Alessia's real pretty, too."

     The boys shot Alessia a look. She had her eyes closed and her head was resting on a pillow. Lily was currently getting her apple juice, so she could have something to drink when she woke up.

     "I'm not sure what 'snog' means," Alessia said, not openning her eyes, "because in Italy, we speak normal English, or Italian. So please explain what I did."

     Sirius turned beat red - a shade darker than what Remus had turned when he kissed him on the cheek.

     "You've really got a problem." Remus said.

     "Karma just doesn't like me." Sirius explained.

     "You lied. Karma's fair to everyone."

     "No I didn't."

     "Yes, Sirius, you did." 

     "I didn't!"

     "Then explain to me what 'snog' is!" Alessia inturupted, pushing a strand of her silvery blonde hair out of her face. 

     "It's when you kiss someone pationately." James said.

     Alessia raised her eyebrows. She sat up straighter in her bed, making sure to watch her bandaged arm, then she spoke again, "Sirius, come here."

     Sirius looked at his friends, hesitantly. Peter pushed him forward and he stumbled over to Alessia's bed. She signaled for him to bend down.

     "Closer." she whispered.

     Sirius brought his head closer.

     "Closer." she said again.

     Sirius kept bringing his head closer until he was about eight inches away from Alessia's face. She grabbed the back of his head, gently, and brought him so close, their lips were touching. Sirius kissed her deeper.

     "What were you saying about Karma, Remus?" James asked.

     "Oh, shut it." he mumbled.

     "If Karma was fair, I would be getting kissed right now!" Peter complained.

     Sirius and Alessia pulled away. She looked deep into his eyes and whispered:

     "Is that what snogging is?"

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