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     The next day, Lily had been told at breakfast about last night's humorous events.

     "And you kicked him!" Sirius was saying, "It was priceless!"

     “It really wasn’t that funny, Lilz.” Alessia assured her when Lily said she was upset she had missed it. James looked hurt though.

     “I’m going to head to History of Magic early.” He announced grumpily, grabbing his book bag and leaving.

     “You should tell him that you like him.” Remus said, looking at Lily, with a I’m-trying-to-make-you-feel-guilty look.

     “But I don’t!” Lily exclaimed, blushing. Sirius and Peter smiled at each other, shaking their heads.

     “At least tell him you don’t hate him.” Alessia sighed.

     “And give him a hug!” Peter suggested.

     “Yeah, that’ll make his year.” Sirius laughed.

     Alessia rounded on him, “Why are you so conceited?” she questioned, “You’re unbelievable!”

     “He thinks he’s so great since he got the ‘hottest girl at Hogwarts’ to go out with him.” Remus said, using air quotes around the words ‘hottest girl at Hogwarts’.

     “No offense, Lily.” Sirius said, when Lily gave him a reproachful look. Alessia shook her head, disbelieving, grabbed her book bag and stood up.

     “I think James had a good idea.” She muttered, before leaving the Great Hall.

     There was an awkward silence, until Remus spoke:

     “You just got burned…”

he said, laughing and pointing at Sirius’ dumbstruck face. Lily glared at Remus, though there was some shock under the anger, “I’ll go too.” Remus stood up and ran out of the Great Hall.

     Remus walked down the halls to Professor Binns’ classroom. He walked into the room, just as James was pecking Alessia on the cheek. Remus froze in the door; neither of them had noticed him yet. He took a few quiet steps backwards out of the classroom, then walked loudly into the room, acting like nothing had happened:

     “Hey, guys.” Remus said, pasting a fake smile on his face. He was majorly creaped out. Didn’t James like Lily? And didn’t Alessia like Sirius?

     “Hey,” James said, cheerfully, “I don’t like Lily anymore.” He announced. Alessia chocked on air and Remus was just plain shocked.

     “Why?” Remus questioned, though he had a pretty good idea why. James casually reached beside him and started patting Alessia on the back, though she kept choking.

     “I like Alessia, now.” He explained. Alessia was chocking harder now. Remus sat down, for fear of falling over. After years of liking her, after making his best friends stalk her, James Potter didn’t like Lily Evans anymore.

     “No you don’t like me.” Alessia informed him, catching her breath.

     “How do you know?” James questioned.

     “I’ve seen the way you look at Lily; you like her.”

     “I used to, now I like you.” James leaned over and kissed Alessia on the lips, passionately. Alessia tried pulling away, when James went flying across the room, slamming into the wall. Alessia looked over at Remus, frightened.

     “Did you-” she started. Remus shook his head. Neither of them had cast that spell.

     “Dude!” a voice roared from the door. It was Sirius and Lily. Sirius’ wand was pointed at James and Lily’s mouth was hanging open.

     “This is not going to end well…” Remus muttered looking down at his watch. Ten minutes until History of Magic.

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