CHAPTER ELEVEN - Halloween... 'Fun'

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CHAPTER ELEVEN - Halloween... 'Fun'

     Lily gave the boys the cold shoulder for a month after that; though she did not try to hex Sirius again, she never apologized for the first time.

     Halloween afternoon, Lily and Alessia were in their dormitory, deciding on what to dress up as for the dance. The sixth and seventh year students had organized a costumed dance for the fifth years and up.

     "I really don't know what to wear..." Lily pondered, looking at the pile of clothes laying in front of her.

     Alessia looked at the costumes in front of us and picked up the cat one, "Why don't you wear this?" Lily gave her a look, clearly saying 'Are-you-crazy?' After a little while though, she put it on.

     "You look great, Lilz!" Alessia exclaimed, hugging Lily excitedly. Lily grumbled a response and crossed her arms over her chest.

     "How about you? What are you gonna wear?" she asked. Alessia looked around the room: nothing really seemed to stand out to her. Suddenly, she had an idea.

     Alessia ran up to the pile of costumes and dove in - literally.

     "Alessia, what the bloody hell are you looking for?" Lily asked, shaking her head.

     "A cloak." Alessia answered.

     "How is this helping our problem?" Lily sighed.

     Alessia pulled on the sleeve of a dark, black cloak and slipped it on.

     "It's too big for you." Lily noted. Alessia gave her a look.

     Alessia didn't bother rolling up the sleeves, since she thought they looked better this way. She took the hood in her hands and pulled it over her head, tucking her blonde hair away.

     "What do I look like?" she asked Lily, expectingly. Lily looked uneasy for a second, as if frightened to give the wrong answer. Lily's whole face brightened up:

     "A Dementor!" she exclaimed. Alessia and Lily high-fived each other.

     "Come on, let's go see the boys' costumes." Alessia said. Lily grudgingly followed. To Alessia and Lily's amusment, they were all dressed like their animal forms: Remus had a tail pinned to the back of his pants and wolf ears, James was dressed as a stag, Peter had a long icky tail and pale, pink ears and Sirius was dressed as a dog.

     "You guys look hot!" James said, looking Lily and Alessia down. Lily was going to smack him, Alessia just knew it.

    "It's a compliment." Alessia whispered, sarcastically.

     Lily rounded on her and her eyes were throwing daggers, "The next person who comments on what I'm wearing will get a well-aimed Impedimenta jinx in the back of their head!" she threatened. Sirius took a careful step backwards.

     Alessia put her hand on Sirius' back to stop him from moving any further. He looked at her, his eyebrows raised.

     "I'll kiss you." he threatened.

     "You don't scare me, Black." She teased, smiling smugly. Sirius leaned in and Remus coughed loudly.

     "Can we go already?" Peter complained.

     Sirius looked bummed but moved away from Alessia just the same. They all walked down to the Great Hall and saw the four house tables pushed agains the wall, with some refreshments on theRavenclaw one. Peter headed straight for them.

     James turned to Lily, "Dance with me?" She gave him a queer look, so he repeated the question. Still no answer. James sighed and sat down next to Remus, who patted him on the back. Lily rolled her eyes and was digging for something in her pocket, when a giggle was heard. We all turned around:

     There was Bellatrix, with a locket in her hand. She shook it in the air and dashed out of the Great Hall. Lily smacked Alessia on the shoulder, "She has it!" Lily hissed. Alessia stood up and both girls ran after Bellatrix, the Marauders on their heels, wondering what was happening.

     "Where the-" James started.

     "The locket!" Lily shrieked, "Sirius' damn cousin has my locket!" Sirius didn't look at all offended of what Lily had just called his cousin; in fact, he was smirking a little.

     "It's just a locket, Lily, is it really worth-" Remus began.

     "You boys wouldn't understand." Alessia cut in, impatiently. Bellatrix was very fast, and they were losing her. She rounded the corner ahead of them.

     "She's heading for the North Tower!" James said, speeding up.

     The Marauders, Lily and Alessia turned the corner after her, and bumped into three hard bodies. Everyone backed away from each other to have a good look at the others standing in the dim hallway light. It was Antonin Dolohov, Severus Snape and - most unfortunately - Lucius Malfoy. They were blocking the staricase up to the North Tower. Lily glared particularly hard at Severus. Remus whispered that they had once been friends.

     "Move, Malfoy," Sirius spat, "we're kind of busy running after my demented cousin."

     Malfoy laughed, "I don't take orders from you, Black." Remus grabbed James' arm and whispered something in his ear discretely. James looked uncertain for a second, then nodded, knowing it was the only way. James grabbed Alessia and Lily's arms and pulled them away from Malfoy and Sirius, who were arguing loudly.

     "Malfoy likes you." James announced, looking at Alessia. Lily and Alessia looked at each other.

     "Your point, my dear James?" Alessia asked.

     "Distract him so we can get by and get Lily's locket." Remus explained. Alessia was slowly starting to understand.

     "No!" she shrieked, "Absolutley not! I won't snog that scumbag!"

     "Oh come on, Ale!" Lily begged.

    Alessia rounded on her, "What?! You're on their side?!"

    "I need  that back. Before Bellatrix figures it out. I'll be the laughing stock of the whole school!" Lily hissed, so James and Remus didn't hear.

     "Keep it down!" Remus screamed, to the still bickering Malfoy and Sirius, "We'll get into trouble." Sirius immaturely stuck his tongue out at him.

     "You just have to pretend that you're into him and stuff. We'll take care of Dolohov and Snape." James said, smiling deviously. Lily gave him a warning look, clearly reminding him that she was a prefect.

     Alessia sighed, defeated, "I am not kissing him." she hissed, then pushed her hood off of her head, to reveal her long, blonde hair. She slowly walked up to Malfoy, pushing Sirius asside, who gave her a wierd look. Behind Malfoy's back, Remus and James were motioning him over, and Sirius walked back, obviously wondering what was going on.

    "Hey, Lucius..." she said, placing her hand gently on his arm, "Sorry about, you know... those guys." Alessia rolled her eyes in the others' direction.

     "Hey, no problem..." Malfoy smiled and took a step closer to her. It took every muscle in Alessia's body to keep herself in place. She kept reminding herself that every minute lost, meant the Bellatrix would be farther away.

     "So, I heard you were... available." Alessia said, flirtily. It was killing her.

     Malfoy beamed and put his face up to hers, "You know, this was why I pretended to be Black... So I could get closer to you..." Alessia heard a 'thump' behind them, then another one right after.She assumed the other two boys had been knocked out. Over Malfoy's shoulder, James gave her a thumbs up.

     "How about I meet you in the out-of-order girls' bathroom on the second floor? I have to go do something first," Alessia whispered. Malfoy nodded eagerly, and left right away, forgetting about the boys and Lily, "Perv..." Alessia muttered, running back to her friends, jumping over Dolohov's limp body.

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