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     The Marauders, Alessia and Lily ran up to the only moving thing in the grounds: a shadow. The owl was perched onto the shadow's shoulder, and was nipping at her fingers, affectionatley.

     "Andromeda?" Sirius asked.

     "Close, but not quite." Came the shadow's voice. It was definatley a girl, but Sirius knew it was not who he had thought it was. Narcissa Black stepped out of the shadows, holding the owl who had snatched the locket (which was still tightly held in its beak).

     "Cissy!" Sirius exclaimed.

     Alessia shook her head. She got along perfectly well with many Slytherins - besides Bellatrix and Lucius Malfoy - but she had never really like Narcissa, "Why?" she asked her simply.

     "Why I got Evans' locket?" Narcissa shrugged, "I thought I owed Sirius here something." Narcissa looked meaningfully at Sirius. He opened his arms and she walked up to him. Remus and James' eyes were wide: Alessia assumed Sirius didn't hug his cousins very often.

     Sirius looked down at Narcissa, who was about an inch shorter than he was, "I love you." he told her truthfully, and surprisingly got the same words back.

     "Here, Evans," Narcissa said, actually walking up to Lily and placing the locket in her hand, "Now if you don't mind, I have to put Mystic back in her cage before Andromeda wakes up." And with that, Narcissa was gone, the owl flying high above her.

     "You know, I'm starting to like your family, Sirius." Lily admitted.

     "Even Bella?" Sirius asked.

     "Never." Lily answered quickly.

     The girls and the Marauders laughed all the way back to the Entrance Hall.

     "Now, let's all shut up." Alessia said, suddenly said.

     "Why?" James asked, "If we run into a teacher you can do your 'You-Don't-See-Us' thingy." 

     "I won't be able to do my 'You-Don't-See-Us' thingy on a witch or wizard as powerful as powerful as... Professor Dumbledore, let's say!" Alessia replied.

     "Speaking of that, care to explain?" Remus asked.

     Alessia sighed, "I'll tell you in the common room."

     When they got there, Peter was not looking for them, but fast asleep.

     "Typical Wormtail." Sirius said.

     "Go, Alessia." Lily instructed, sitting down next to the fire. Alessia, however, wasn't as comfortable as her friends. She walked in circles for a few minutes, then spoke:

     "I can acess people's minds." Alessia said quickly, as if scared that if she talked too slowly, she would chicken out of telling them.

     "Excuse me?" James said, awed.

     "I went into Peeves' mind and told him that he saw no Gryffindor fifth-years in front of him and that no one was ever there." Alessia explained.

     "Kind of like Legilimency?" Remus asked. James and Sirius both turned to face him, obviously having never heard of that type of magic. Remus sighed, "Legilimency is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings!" he added impatiently.

     "Not exactly, because I can't see the person's feelings," Alessia's eyes flickered to Sirius for a brief moment, before she decided it was safer to look at Lily, "I can only turn off their senses, or change what they see, smell, hear or feel."

     "That's..." Lily said, "so - cool!"

     Everyone turned around and looked at Lily; it looked as if she had never been more excited in her life.

     "Does someone need a hug?" James asked, seizing the opportunity. Lily gave him her 'Are-You-Demented?' look and shook her head.

     "You're some sort of Legilimens!" Lily added, "Can you make James kiss Remus?"

     "No!" Remus yelled. Alessia, however, looked rather excited.

     "If I'm kissing anyone it's..." Sirius mumbled the name, looked down, and didn't speak again the whole time Alessia was trying to make James take a step towards Remus.

     "What are you trying to do?" Remus asked, nervously looking at James, "Prongs, don't do whatever it is."

     "I'm trying to make him believe that he's madly in love with you." Alessia stated.

     "Lovley." Remus said, sarcastically.

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