CHAPTER THREE - Freak-out in the Library

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CHAPTER THREE - Freak-out in the Library

     Remus, Peter and Sirius followed Lily everywhere that day. She was always wih Alessia, and mostly in the library, though she occasionally went to get a bite to eat in the Great Hall.

     It was eleven at night and the library still wasn’t closed. Two questions were swimming in the boys’ heads: Why wasn’t the library closed, and why the hell James wasn’t there!

     Peter answered the first question by going to check on Madam Pince, and found her fast asleep at her office chair. Why James wasn’t there, though, remained a mystery.

     By eleven thirty, Sirius was sitting on the floor, leaning against the bookcase they were hiding behind, Peter was lying, face-down, on the filthy brown carpet, and Remus was pacing impatiently in a circle.

     Though the boys were half asleep, a piece of conversation caught their attention:

     “You can’t be serious!” Lily hissed, obviously talking to Alessia.

     “’Course she’s not me.” Sirius snorted, earning himself a hit on the back of the head, issued by Remus.

     “I am,” Alessia whispered back, “but you can’t tell anyone, Lily, alright? It’s illegal.”

     “I like this girl.” Sirius said, jokingly.

     “Padfoot?” Peter’s muffled voice asked, his face still buried in the carpet.

     “What, Wormtail?”

     “Shut up.”

     “Alright, I promise.” Lily sighed.

     Suddenly, Remus felt the skin on his face erupt into little bubbles, as if his skin was growing lumps, than they sunk back in, only to come out again, seconds later. He knew what this meant:

     “Guys…” Remus said, his voice shaking.

     “Shut up, Moony, they’re talking again.” Peter hissed, now crouching next to Sirius and peeking at the girls through an opening in between a couple of books.

     “Guys-“ Remus tried again.

     “Bloody hell, Moony, shut it! We’re going to get caught!” Sirius hissed, poking his head around the bookshelf to look at the girls too.

     “Guys!” Remus yelled as loud as he dared.

     “What, Remus? What’s-“ Sirius said sarcastically, but trailed off when he turned around. Sirius tried elbowing Peter, but missed, and hit him in the ribs.

     Peter grumbled and turned around. Both boys stayed there, staring at Remus until a deep growl emerged from his throat. It wasn’t forced like the one at breakfast.

     “Wormtail, don’t change!” Sirius ordered, taking charge of the situation, “Go warn Lily and Alessia!” Sirius had barely finished his sentence when he turned into the big, black dog, also known as ‘Snuffles’.

     Peter – who was about to change, himself – realized it was useless to have a tiny, little rat in the library when a werewolf was on the loose. He ran out from behind the bookcase and over to Lily and Alessia:

     “Quick,” Peter said, “follow me!”

     Neither of the girls argued, though they seemed confused, followed Peter to the farthest corner of the library, which was still too close.

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