CHAPTER NINETEEN - Truth or Dare (Mostly Dare)

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CHAPTER NINETEEN - Truth or Dare (Mostly Dare)

     Sirius was much more comfortable around Alessia after that. He was so happy that she had kissed him, without him having to practically beg her to. The only downfall, was having to dorm with James. Sirius was still completley ignoring James, and James seemed a little upset, though he never tried to talk to Sirius.

      "I have an idea!" Lily exclaimed, one night in the common room, "Let's play truth or dare!"

      "I have no idea what that is." Sirius shook his head. James and Peter agreed. Remus told her that his father was a werewolf, and probably hadn't had the time to teach his son this silly game. Alessia shrugged, but was open to playing. Lily quickly explained the rules, "Seems fun, but I'm not playing."

     "Oh, why not?" Lily asked, pouting.

     "I don't want anything to do with that traitor." Sirius nodded at James.

     James sighed impatiently, "Mate, I like Lily again-" Lily muttered something that distinctly sounded like 'Oh joy', "-and I'm sorry to have kissed your girlfriend. Did you hear that, Sirius? I'm sorry. I'll say it again if you want. Sorry. When have I ever been sorry?" 

     Sirius thought about this and shrugged, "Point taken, you're forgiven."

     "I want to go first!" Alessia said. She turned to Sirius, "Truth or dare?"

     "Dare." Sirius said. Alessia smiled; she had known Sirius wouldn't be able to resist a good dare, and she had one. A very good one.

    "I dare you to dance to 'Teenage Dream' in a tutu!" Alessia and Lily squealed with excitment. Sirius' mouth fell open.

    "I don't like the sound of 'Teenage Dream'. And if tutu's are those frilly things that - Oh man, you're the worst! 'Xcept you're adorable. I need a hug," Sirius said that whole sentence in one breath. Alessia laughed and hugged him, "Do any of you have a tutu?" Alessia laughed harder, because he was looking straight at the boys.

     "You know," Peter said, thoughtfully, "I might  have one. Be right back." Peter ran out of the room. Remus was on the verge of face-palming.

     "I won't even ask..." he muttered.

     "Anyway, my turn. Lily and Alessia - can I do that? Oh, come on, let's make an exception. Please? Please? Yay! Truth or dare?" Sirius was getting majorly excited.

     "Are you high?" James asked, a tone of worriedness in his voice. Sirius ignored him.

     "Dare." the girls answered in unision.

     "I dare you two to sing a duet! Throw me your iThingy, Lily, let me pick the song!" Sirius yelled, excitedly. Lily grumbled something and reached into her robe pocket. A few seconds later, she found her iPod and threw it to Sirius.

     "Lily, what the hell is this crap? Oh, wait! Found one: Shakespeare."  Sirius smiled, pleased, at how borning the name sounded.

     "Oh, no, Lily! I hate Shakespeare! My mother used to make me watch the plays with her." Alessia made a gagging noise. Lily wrenched her iPod out of Sirius' grip.

     "No, Aless, it's Shakespeare by Miranda Cosgrove!" Lily smiled, "It's one of my favourites!" Sirius cursed under his breath, then Lily remembered something, "But I can't sing..." Sirius made a triumphant sound and Lily glared at him.

     "Ya think I can? Let's get this over with." Alessia grumbled, as Peter ran back into the room with a frilly pink tutu in one hand. 

      "Wait, Lily, how does your iPod work at Hogwarts?" Remus asked, taking his head out of his hands.

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