Chapter 1

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There is absolutely no set time frame that counts as 'too long' for being single. Is there anything wrong with being single at thirty? That is the question that Stella Kidd asks herself every day. She is thirty years old and single. But she wasn't one of those people who was depressed over it. She's tired of the assumption that if an older person (30 and up) is single, then there must be something wrong with him or her. Isn't it possible that those who are still single just haven't found the right match yet? Or that they are actually happy to be single. Stella believes it is normal to be single, either by choice or because you haven't found what you're looking for. She wishes her parents would understand where she's coming from. But her parents think she should be married and pregnant with her third or fourth child by now.

Stella was satisfied with her life, happy with her apartment in New York, and content with the few friends she kept close, especially her best friend Violet. She wasn't out looking for a man, a husband, a hubby, or Mr. Right. Whatever Violet is calling it nowadays, She wasn't ready to settle down; it was the last thing on her mind. (Honestly, it really was.) She wasn't ready to be a mom; she wasn't wishing to blow up like a balloon just to please her parents. Giving them grandbabies to spoil.

She exhaled loudly as her cell started to ring. She didn't have to look at the picture on her phone to know who it was. "Morning Mom," she tried to sound cheerful. But she knew her mom would accuse her of being depressed.

"Stella, honey, why are you so depressed?' Her mom asked in a concerned voice.

Stella rolled her eyes. It's the same question every day. "Mom, I'm not depressed; I'm actually at work, and I'm in a very good mood. So, if you don't mind, let's just hurry up with why you're calling. I have a pretty busy day ahead of me, Mom. I can't spend it on the phone with you."

"Whatever do you mean, sweetheart?" Her mom said it in an innocent voice. Like she wasn't purposely trying to get under her skin. 

"You know what I mean, but since you're going to be acting like that, let me start." She cleared her throat. "Stella, honey, what is wrong with you?" she said in a high-pitched voice, pretending to be her mom. "Mom, there is nothing wrong with being thirty and single." She clears her throat again. "Stella, sweetheart, only ugly, fat people are still single at thirty, and honey, you're not fat or ugly; you are beautiful. Any guy would love for you to be his wife and treat you like the queen you are. Maybe even convince you to quit your job and let him take care of you."

"Well, it's true," her mom interrupted her. "Honey, your father, and I worry about you. Your sister is getting married, and she is so in love. Violet, your best friend, is happily married, and she is also so in love. Everyone you went to school with is either married or getting married in the future. I just think there is something wrong with a young, beautiful, smart, successful woman being single. Aren't you worried about what people think of you when they see you and know that you're still single? It's not right to be married to your job Stella."

"Whatever, Mom," she sighed as she walked towards the window looking at her amazing view from her office. "I no longer care if anyone thinks anything is wrong with me. I don't even care if there is. I am happy. I have all I want. All I need is myself; I don't take it from others or step on others to get it. I pay taxes, give to charities, and help friends and family in need. If other people are concerned about the fact that I am not married, I pray that one day they will get a life so full and happy that they won't obsess about mine." She said it in an annoyed voice, then clicked her phone. Yep, she hung up on her mom; it's not the first time, and it sure as hell won't be the last time. She will let herself calm down a bit before calling her back to apologize to her. This is pretty much a daily cycle with them. She is the black sheep of the family because she's not married. Her parents were disappointed in her, because she left her hometown to move to New York, and didn't marry the guy her parents wanted her to marry. 

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