Chapter 13

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Stella woke up to an empty bed. She looked over at the clock, and her eyes widened. She slept till 10 a.m.; Kelly let her sleep in this late. She got out of bed, grabbed her robe, and went looking for her fiancé. She found him sitting out on the balcony, just typing away on his laptop, shirtless.

She leans in the doorway, admiring the view. She wishes he would quit wearing shirts and stay shirtless. "Why did you let me sleep in?"

He looked up at her and grinned. "Because this past week has been a rollercoaster of stress and deadlines, and you looked so cute sleeping. I didn't want to bother you."

"What are you doing?"

" Writing."

"Writing what?"

"I have been working on my next book."

She beamed with pride. "No way, what's it about?" She asked as she got closer.

" Stuff..." She eyed him. "You, me, but mostly you."

"Let me read it."

"No, it's not ready." He said this as he closed the laptop.

She walked over to him and straddled his lap. "Please, please." She batted her eyes at him.

"No," he insisted.

"I love you... Please let me read it." She begged him.

He laughed. "I love you too, but no."

She pouted for a moment. Then gave him a devilish smile. She untied her robe. Revealing her naked body to him. "Please, baby," she begged flirtily. "I let you taste me." Her tone is seductive.

Kelly licks his lips as he scans her naked body. "As tempting as that offer is, I'm going to still say no; it's not ready." He pulled her closer. "I promise, once it's done, you will be the first to read it."

" Fine. I'm just happy your writing again."

"You were my inspiration."

Her eyes widened. " Really? I inspired you to write a book."

"Yeah, you did; you inspire me every day."

She leans in and kisses him. As he deepens the kiss, her hand goes to the back of his neck, while the other rubs his toned, muscled chest. His hands explore her body. She moans in his mouth as his fingers tease her pussy lips. He breaks the kiss and starts kissing her neck. She arches her back as his hot kisses travel lower. His fingers have her all worked up, and she can feel his dick rising. She rocks her hips back and forth as her aching for him grows.

"Hold on, baby." He says as he moves her just a tad to pull his throbbing dick out of his shorts.

She lifts herself as he pulls his shorts down just enough to free his dick completely. His bare ass felt the coldness of the patio chair. "Okay, I'm ready." He holds her hips as she slowly eases her pussy onto his dick.

Both moaning loudly at the feeling, she cradles his head to her chest as she begins to rock her hips. "Yes. Yes." She moans as she feels his lips cover her already hard nipple from the cool summer breeze. His hands run up her back for a few seconds, then move to squeeze her breast as he worships her breast. Stella started to rock faster. His hand went back to her hips to hold her steady as he thrust his hips and buried himself deeper inside of her. "Yes, oh Kelly, yes," She said as her head dropped to his shoulder. "I know, baby, God, I know," he whispered as his lips found the special spot on her neck. He knew she was almost as close as he was. "Stella, look at me," he pleaded. She picked her head up and placed it against his forehead. He loved looking into her eyes as he filled her with his seed.

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