Chapter 24

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A/N: The next chapter of this story will be it's last, it will take a time jump too. I believe it's at a great place to end it. Thanks for reading. 💜

Kelly subconsciously reached out for his wife and came up empty. He jerked up, his eyes adjusted to the darkness, and the clock read midnight. He jumped out of bed on a mission to find his wife. 

Stella was now forty weeks pregnant, and her due date was yesterday. She wasn't having any symptoms of labor, and that worried her. Kelly tried to tell her it was normal, but she wouldn't listen to him. He checked the bathroom, the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, and even walked around their backyard. He was close to panicking when it hit him the nursery. She has been spending a lot of time in the nursery, trying to make sure everything is just perfect for their babies.

He went upstairs, and he was right; she was cleaning the nursery. "Baby, what are you doing?" 

"Dusting the nursery."

"You dusted it yesterday." He said it with a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Kelly, we are about to bring our babies into the world. We have to make sure their room is sanitized; actually, we need to make sure the whole house is sanitized. And our cars, definitely our cars." She said, giving him a panicked look. 

"We cleaned the whole house from top to bottom this week; we even cleaned and sanitized our cars, the baby's clothes, their toys, stuffed animals, and blankets." He walked over to her. "Everything is sanitized and ready for our baby's arrival."

"Do we have enough clothes?"

"Yes, between everything we brought and what our families got, our kids have enough clothes to change every hour for the next five years." He jokes as he grabs her hands. "We're good."

"What about diapers, wipes, shoes, bibs, blankets...

He kisses her to silence her. "We have enough of all that and more. Again, babe, we're good." He tries to reassure her. 

"The baby monitors—we don't even know if they work or not."

"We tested them when we got them last week. The monitors are good, and the cameras in both nursery rooms are good. And the car seats are top-notch—the best car seats ever." He cupped her face. "We are good; we have everything we need. All that's missing is our babies." 

She smiled. "What is taking them so long?" She whines. "I just wanted to hold my babies and finally meet them." She rubs her belly. "It's time to come out; mommy and daddy want to meet you. Please come out, please." She begged. 

Kelly smiles and kneels, eye level to her belly. "Yes! We do; we can't wait to meet you and hold you," he says, kissing her belly. He looks up at his wife. "Why are you crying?"

She shrugs. "They are happy tears." She looked around, soaking in the nursery. "I'm just so happy, Kelly." She wipes her eyes. "I just want to remember this moment because everything is about to change."

"Yes, it is, for the better." He kisses her softly. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and they slowly danced together with no music; they had the music of their hearts playing loud enough for just them.

After about twenty minutes of dancing, Kelly convinced Stella to come back to bed. She laid down, and he laid beside her. "You know sex brings on labor." She smirked.

"I heard that." 

"So let's have sex; it's been too long." 

Kelly kisses her and then kisses her neck. He wanted to ease her mind and relax her. She caresses the back of his neck as he kisses her collarbone. He pulled down her nightgown, revealing her breast. "Damn." He whispers, looking at how firm and round they were. He decided to kiss and suck on them for a bit since it would be a long while before he got to love them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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