Chapter 12

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You can't always control the situations and events in your life, but you can choose how to think and feel about your circumstances and how you respond to them. Being happy is a choice, and choosing to be happy benefits your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Happiness is the choice that Stella made the day she left Chicago; she decided that she would no longer be controlled, betrayed, or disrespected by her family. She deserves to be happy, and happy is what she has been the last three weeks, and happy is what she plans on staying.

"Good morning, beautiful," Ritter said as Stella got off the elevator.

"Morning, my favorite assistant." Stella handed him a coffee.

"Thank you," he says, taking the coffee from her. "I love the glow you have lately; I know it's because of your firefighter." He winks at her. "You look so happy and so in love."

Stella smiled. "I am happy. I am really happy."

"Happy looks good on you, boss lady."

"It's crazy that I've known Kelly for only four weeks, and I feel like I've known him my entire life."

Ritter wraps his arm around her waist."Remember this: Somebody can treat you better in two months than someone did in eight years. Plus, I might not know your ex, but I know he never looked at you like your firefighter does. It might seem rushed and too soon, but sometimes you just know when you have found your other half. You and Kelly are so cute and good to each other. This is one of those forever loves, I can tell."

"So can I, and I'm not scared of his love."

Ritter hugged her. "Plus, he dicks you down pretty good."

Stella blushed. "Yes, yes, he does... every night for the past three weeks."

Ritter's mouth dropped. "Damn, boss lady, getting fuck every night, I'm jealous."

She smacks him away. "I was in a sex drought for years. It's like he awakened this....

"Sex demon." Ritter finished for her.

"Yes, I just can't get enough of him." She bites her lip as she thinks about this morning. She looks around to make sure no one is near them. "He fucked me on my dining room table this morning."

Ritter's face lit up. "Damn girl, you got dicked down before work?" She nods. "He's a keeper."

"Trust me, I know." She loved having Kelly in her life. "The best part is going home to him every night. I love having someone to go home to."

Ritter smiled. He only knew Stella for about five years, but he's never seen her look this happy and loving life. He was thanking the good Lord for blessing Stella's life with a good man; she deserved it. "I'm happy for you."

She hugged him. "One day, Ritter, Mr. Right is going to walk into your life and treat you and love you right. Just be patient; I know it will happen."

"Thanks, boo; I needed to hear that." He kissed her cheek. Stella turned to walk into her office. "Oh, by the way, your best friend is in your office, and she is in a feisty mood."

Stella gave him a confused look. "Lucky me, just what I needed on a Monday morning, dealing with a feisty Violet." She rolled her eyes before walking into her office. "Hey, best friend!" she exclaimed as she saw Violet standing by her window.

"Don't you dare; hey, best friend me." She crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at her.

"What did I do now?" she asked as she walked over to her desk to put her stuff down.

"What did you do now?" She repeated Stella's question. "As if you don't know."

"I don't know," Stella tells her confusedly. As she tries to remember, if she did something that would upset her friend.

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