Chapter 7

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Kelly's smile soon faded with the moan that came out of her mouth, he stopped what he was doing and quickly looked up at her, ready to call her out on her little slip-up. It was then that he realized where her eyes were. He followed her gaze, which led to a wide-eyed, shocked face, mouth open, and pale Grant. "You've got to be kidding me," he said as he got off the bed. grabbing the towel off the floor and wrapping it around his waist, trying to cover his hard-on.

Stella was beyond shocked; she was in pure bliss, and then she looked over to see her ex-boyfriend watching them-a totally awkward moment for her. The sound of Kelly's voice brought her back to reality. That is also when it hit her that she was lying completely naked on the bed, and both guys were looking at her. She reached over, grabbed the blanket, and covered herself up. She was embarrassed and very pissed off. "What the hell are you doing here?" she asked in a frustrated voice.

Grant shook his head; he couldn't believe what he just walked in on. "Um..." he started. Trying to get the picture of Kelly between her legs out of his mind. "I saw the light on, and I know how you like to read in the middle of the night when you can't sleep. So, I thought, it would be a good time to talk."

"At one in the morning?"

"Yeah, I know you have trouble sleeping some nights, and I saw the light on, and I..." he trailed off.

She shook her head, not really wanting to deal with this crap right now. Her mind was on what was hiding behind Kelly's towel. "Grant, why did you come back?"

"Come back."

"Yes, the party was over like two hours ago; shouldn't you be at home, or with your parents, or wherever the hell you live nowadays?"

He gave her a confused look and said, "Um... Well, my parents moved to Florida a few years ago to a retirement center, and I live in South Carolina. When your mom called me about the wedding, she said I could stay with you guys."

"Oh..." she whispered, as everything he just said sank in. "Where are you sleeping?" she asked, knowing that all the rooms were pretty full of guests who were in town for the wedding.

"Surprisingly, your old room." He laughed. "I thought I would be the one out in the pool house; I didn't think it was going to be the other way around."

She couldn't believe it; they lied to her, telling her they fixed up her old room as a playroom for her nephews and nieces when they fixed it up for her ex to sleep in there. She looked at Kelly, who was now just coming out of the bathroom, wearing his shorts. Damn, she thought, noticing he wasn't wearing his towel anymore. Grant killed the mood. "Grant, you need to go back inside. I don't want to talk tonight. I want to sleep."

"Sure, you do..." He said in a sarcastic voice.

"I don't have to explain myself to you. It's none of your business if I sleep or if I have sex with my boyfriend, so please leave so I can be alone with him."

"Look, I'm not trying to come between you two, even though I believe you two won't last and he isn't the guy for you. I just want to talk. There is a lot of stuff I would like to say."

"Can't we do this tomorrow, after the wedding?" She said this, sitting up and making sure the blanket was covering her.

Grant wanted to talk now; he wanted to stop or ruin their moment. He couldn't stand seeing Kelly's hands on her body. "I'm sorry, Stella. I wish I had listened to you; I wish I could change the hands of time and we could go back. I screwed up, but I still love you, I still miss you, and I still need you and my life." He felt like a weight had been lifted. He told her how he was feeling, and he knew deep down she still wanted to be with him; he felt it in their kiss. He looked at Kelly, who was sitting in the chair, looking down at the floor. He smiled. He knew he should feel a little guilty for breaking up this man's relationship, but he had to do it; he was doing it to save Kelly from the heartache a few years from now when Stella comes to her senses. Kelly would never know her or get her like he did. Her family would never accept him as a part of her life; he knows her family is still important to her, and she would do whatever she could to get them back in her life.

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