Chapter 11

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After the reception, Stella and Kelly said their goodbyes to Taylor and Chris, who were leaving early the next morning for their honeymoon. Stella was ready to leave; she and Kelly managed to slip out without interacting with her family, which was a true blessing to Stella. Stella walked into the pool house and took her shoes off. Kelly had barely made it through the doorway before Stella threw herself at him, smothering him with kisses and yanking at his belt with an intensity that both surprised and aroused him.

"I've been thinking about this all day." She told him in a husky tone. She slid her hands into his boxers, enclosing him in her warm, tight fist.

Kelly was a little taken back by her forwardness. "You have been thinking about my dick all day?" he teased. He knew what she meant, but he just wanted to tease her for a minute.

She smirked at him. "I meant having sex with you, but this." She said as she squeezed his semi-hard dick. Making him moan. "That's my bonus; it's my favorite new magic stick." She winks at him.

Kelly was loving her forwardness. Spinning her around, he pushed her against the door, albeit a little harder than he'd intended. Her head scraped against the sliding door. "Sorry."

Stella didn't mind. "I like being manhandled," she told him, pulling his earlobe between her teeth.

"Damn, you have no idea what you're doing to me." A little roughly, Kelly grabbed her legs, hoisting her up. Stella's legs scissored around his waist, her ankles locking behind his back. Kelly slid her hands up her thighs, slipping beneath the soft fabric of her pink dress. His eyebrows kinked. She smirked at him. She wasn't wearing panties. "What happened to your panties?" he asked, touching her barely with a fingertip. She had panties early when they were dancing, and he slipped his hand under her dress on the dance floor.

"I took them off in the cab when you were texting your brother." She bit her bottom lip. "They were soaked." She added it in a flirty tone.

"Did I make you wet on the dance floor?" pushing a finger inside her, finding her delightfully wet.

"You make me wet every time you look at me with those intense baby blue eyes; you set me on fire."

With his pants already partially undone, it was easy to get them out of the way so that he could plunge into her, and that's exactly what he did; within seconds, he was deep inside her. Stella dug her nails into his back as he thrusts, in her hard. He sucked her neck, as he continued to drill into her. " Yes!" She screamed.

She met his every drive with an anticipatory tilt of her hips that had him hitting an angle that made Stella purr every time their bodies met. Reaching between them, he quickly found her clit  with his finger, touching deftly, softly, until she was pushing down on his hand, moaning, "Harder, Kelly " He was happy to oblige her, fingering her with added pressure, satisfied when she contracted around him, her scream of pleasure swallowed by his mouth as he followed with a climax of his own.

They remained where they were as they tried to recapture their breathing. Kelly pushed Stella's hair out of her face, a few of which were plastered to her flushed cheeks. They shared a simple kiss; she held on to him tightly as he kissed her neck. She closed her eyes as the pleasurable silence took over. He kissed her jawline back to her lips, and she parted her lips so his tongue could invade her mouth. She was so lost in his mouth that she didn't even realize that he carried her over to the bed until her back hit the mattress.

His pants and boxers were down at his ankles; he kicked them off along with his shoes. She watched him with hooded eyes. He kneeled on the bed and took his dress shirt and tie off. He then pulled Stella up so he could pull her dress over her head. He threw the dress behind him, and she kissed his neck a few times before laying back down, completely naked under him. He leaned down and kissed her lips tenderly before trailing kisses down her neck, to her collarbone, and then to her breast. His hands massaged her breasts as he kissed and sucked her pointy nipples.

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