Chapter 18

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Stella angrily paced up and down the sidewalk outside her penthouse. She was silently kicking herself for not bringing a coat; it was freezing outside. She crossed her arms over her chest as her mind went into overdrive. She's doing so well; without thinking about her mom or April, everything was going great. She should have known something was going to happen; her wedding is tomorrow. Well, it was supposed to be tomorrow. Of course something had to happen; it's how her life goes.

Her mom and April know that she and Kelly didn't break up; they know she is getting married. They know that they've been lied to for months, and the person who suggested lying to them was the one who told them. Why in the hell would Taylor do that to her? She was the one pushing her to shut her parents and April out of her life. Taylor threw a dramatic fit when she wanted to tell her parents she's pregnant; she's the reason she never told them. She made her believe they were better off not knowing. Then she turns around and tells them she's getting married. Did she tell them about the baby? Oh Lord, please don't let them know about the baby she prayed.

Her mind drifts to her dad, the nerve he has to call his lawyer and have a prenuptial agreement drawn up for her, like she's a child. How in the hell can someone just randomly draw up a prenup without the consent of the person the agreement is about? How does he even know how much she has in all her accounts—her stocks and bonds, her penthouse, her other assets? He doesn't know a damn thing about her life; he probably doesn't even know what she does for a living because he never asked, and none of them even asked besides Megan and Taylor. The only reason they knew she had money was because of a magazine article that Megan showed them a few years ago. Her life is very private to them; why share any part of it with people who judge every decision she has ever made and who make her feel guilty for having a career? Who never supported her.

He actually flew here, claiming he wanted to walk her down the aisle. Where the hell did that come from? Yes, it's something she's wanted since she started planning her wedding; everything she wanted and every detail was coming together just as she wanted. All but two things she has no control over: one, the weather. Her dream wedding was supposed to take place outside in the snow, not heavy snow, just a light blanket of snow, and light snowflakes falling down. But as of today, there was still no snow; it's cold enough to snow, but the city hasn't seen a snowflake yet. She was praying it would snow today or tonight, but now it doesn't matter; there's no wedding happening now.

Her second thing she had no control over was her dad walking her down the aisle. Since the moment she sat down to plan the wedding, that was the one thing on her mind, but she didn't say anything to anyone. She buried it because she knew it wasn't going to happen. Which only led her to her little break down; thankfully, it happened in front of Kelly, who understood where she was coming from. And Kelly helped her make peace with her dream of her dad walking her down the aisle. She was just happy to be marrying Kelly and starting a family. And now, thanks to Taylor, she won't be marrying Kelly tomorrow.

She can't even imagine how hurt Kelly is right now. She looks at her ring. As her tears continue to fall, her face is frozen, and she is literally shaking from being out in the cold for twenty-something minutes now. She was actually surprised that no one had come after her yet. And just like that,

"Stella Kidd, get your ass inside." Violet said as she walked up to her.

Stella turned around to see Violet, Megan, Donnie, Chris, and Kelly walking towards her. "You all didn't have to come down here."

"Like hell, we didn't." Megan said as she wrapped her coat around her sisters shoulders. 

"Stella, you are freezing." Donnie said

"Yeah, it's a little cold out here." She jokes, and her eyes lock with Kelly. She walked over to him, and he immediately wrapped his arms around her. "I love you." She looked up at him. Her face was red from the cold.

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