Chapter 21

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Universally acknowledged as romantic, tender, and idealistic, the “honeymoon” stage of marriage occurs immediately after the wedding through the next several months, possibly lasting as long as a year or two. Kelly and Stella were definitely in that honeymoon stage, loving it. 

The past three months have been pure bliss for the newlyweds. After spending a few weeks in Hawaii for their honeymoon, which was stress-free and full of relaxation, They explored the beautiful island, learned a lot about each other, and, of course, made love as often as possible. They needed the time away to prepare for the big changes that would be coming soon. 

When they got back to New York, their house was ready to move into. When Stella went back to work, she made a deal with Richard and John. She would still be a top player for the company, but she was only working four days a week. And she was taking a long maternity leave, which, surprising enough, they agreed to and told her that they still wanted her as president. After talking it over with Kelly and making sure John understood that she wasn't traveling a lot, She agreed to travel occasionally when needed, as long as Kelly and the babies were able to come with her. She made it clear to John that her family comes first. 

Stella's dad kept his word and stayed in contact with her; he was excited to come back when the babies were born. Megan and Donnie decided after the wedding to move to New York, which just made Stella's life much better. She helped them find a nice house, Donnie transferred jobs, and the kids were loving the new city. Stella had all the people that mattered to her in her life. Kirsten wasn't too happy that Aaron and Stella were back on good terms, and April was beyond pissed that Stella got married and didn't cause a scene over her taking her wedding dress and ruining it. And surprising enough, neither Kirsten nor April have tried to interfere in Stella and Kelly's lives for the past three months. Which surprised them all; hopefully it stays that way. 

Kelly finished his book, and Stella cried like a baby when she read it; she was still in denial that he wrote a romance novel about their love story. The reviews on it were a mixture of good and bad; a few horrible people wrote unsolicited advice to the couple. But she didn't let them get to her; they don't know their story personally; they only know what the book reveals. They think their love story was a joke; people were actually saying that they wouldn't last and that there was no way you could fall in love in a week. That bothered her a little, but not Kelly. He told her that the world is full of judgmental people, and people who are miserable and jealous that love to bring happy people down. He said let them think what they want; as long as they believe in their love, nothing else matters. 

His agent wanted him to go on a long book tour, but he refused. Stella is seven months pregnant and in her last trimester. He wanted to stay local just in case something happened, so that's what he did. He had a small book tour in New York and the surrounding cities. Stella went with him and sat beside him as he autographed books for his readers. She was so proud of him and all that he was accomplishing. He was in the middle of writing his first children's book in honor of their twins. He lit up as he told his fans about his new book dedicated to his unborn children. 

Life was definitely looking pretty good for the couple. Stella was living the life she always wanted. She has a successful career, a loving, supportive husband, and within the next two months she'll be a mom to two babies, which is still a little overwhelming to her. But she's never been more excited.

It was a little after five when she pulled into her driveway. She smiled when she saw her husband's car in the garage. She loves having someone to come home to every night, even when he's on shift. Just knowing she's not alone anymore brings her so much peace. She turns the engine off and sits in the car for a bit. Being seven months pregnant with twins and being on your feet all day is a little bit exhausting. After a few minutes of sitting, she finds the motivation to get out of the car; her body is sore and her feet are swollen. She yawned as she walked through the front door. She tossed her bag in the corner, then headed for the couch. "I miss Ritter." She said as she laid down on the couch. 

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