Chapter 20

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Stella wanted to scream; she wanted to wrap her hands around April's neck and choke the life out of her. She wanted to stare at her as life drained from her eyes. But Stella wasn't a violent person; choking April wouldn't give her the pleasure she craved. April thinks she got one over her, like she won a huge battle, a battle she was in solo. Because honestly, Stella walked away from their silly battles years ago, April was pretty much playing herself in a game Stella doesn't want to be apart of anymore.

She sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. If she doesn't get married because her dress is gone, it means April achieved what she set out to do, and she wasn't going to allow her to win. Her phone brings her out of her thoughts. And she smiles at seeing Kelly's picture pop up. "I'm good." She answered, knowing why he was calling; she knew one of them called someone and told them what April did.

"She stole your dress?" He asked in a disbelief tone.

"Yep, am I surprised? No, am I going to let that stop me from marrying the love of my life? Hell no."

"That makes me happy to hear." She can hear the relief in his tone. "It doesn't matter what you wear, Stella; all that matters is that we both are ready to start a new journey together, A dress is just...

"A dress." She finished for him.

"You could wear jeans and a sweatshirt for all I care; hell, you could be naked."

"Well, that would be interesting; it's like twenty degrees outside; you want me to be icy cold and turning blue."

"I'll keep you warm." He jokes.

"I know you would." She smiles. "Kelly, I love you, and I will see you in ten minutes."

"I love you too, and I can't wait."

She hung up as Violet walked into the room; "The car is here. Taylor is gone; you have no dress, Everything is falling apart." She said this as she plopped down on the bed. "Why wouldn't you borrow Gabby's dress?"

"I'm grateful for the offer, but I don't want to wear someone else's dress, Violet. " She sat down beside her. "To be honest, a small part of me was holding out hope."

"What do you mean?"

"I thought just maybe Grant would convince April that taking my dress was taking things to far, and he would bring it back." She sighed dejectedly. "But apparently I was wrong."

"April pretty much runs Grant; he does what she tells him to do. I don't see Grant standing up to April; he needs to, but I don't see it happening." She squeezed her knee. "Well, the good thing is you have a closet full of incredibly beautiful dresses."

"I know, but I always wanted my wedding dress to be something really special and white. I don't have a..." She trailed off and stood up. Violet watched as she walked into her closet. "I think I have the best backup dress." She says as she digs through her closet, "You know I have a lot of clothes; maybe I should donate some."

"You should but; you won't." Violet laughs. "You say that every year. "

"That's true.... Ahhh, I found it." She yelled excitedly. "It's not white, but it's perfect for a winter wedding. The material is satin; it's the dress I wore for the frosty blue winter wonderland ball we attended when...

"We told those guys we were lesbians so they wouldn't hit on us." She laughed.

"Yeah." She came out of the closet, holding it up. "It's icy blue with silver tones, creating an elegant and glamorous look."

"Oh my God, yes, I remember this dress
I loved the sparkling crystal embellishments; they evoked a sense of winter magic and sparkle. Remember Destiny saying you looked like Elsa from Frozen?"

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