Chapter 15

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A month and a half had passed since Stella agreed to Taylor's idea. The next day, Kelly and she went to his parents' house and talked to them about the plan. Jennifer was hesitant at first and still pissed at her husband, but they eased her mind a little with the plan. But before Benny could move back home, he had to promise to go to Gamblers anonymous again and to get marriage counseling. He is back at home, but sleeping in the guest room, he has to earn his wife's trust again.

Stella and Kelly sat there in the kitchen when Benny called April and told her that Stella and Kelly had broken up. And that Stella was completely heartbroken. She couldn't believe how cheerful and joyful April sounded. She even asked Benny if Stella cried, and Benny said she was so uncontrollably crying she couldn't even drive home. And she locked herself in her room. April tells him he did great, and she's happy he helped her out. She tells him that her sister deserves the pain she is in, and Kelly deserves someone who isn't such a greedy, mentally ill, crazy person. She tells him, You should thank me for saving your son from future heartbreak.

She transferred the money to Benny's account the next day. Kirsten called Taylor to verify the breakup two nights later. Taylor, being an actress, played her part so well by being so dramatic, telling her mom that Stella was completely devastated, she wouldn't get out of bed, she hadn't been to work, she wouldn't eat, and all she did was cry and listen to heartbreaking songs repeatedly. She told her mom that she and Chris were worried about Stella, and Kirsten said she would get over it in a few days; it wasn't real love in the first place. Kelly was just a stand-in for Grant; Stella will bounce back in no time. Let her pretend for a while, and then she added that Grant is going to be happy to hear Stella is single again.

Taylor actually thought that if she made it sound like Stella was really depressed, maybe Kirsten would feel some guilt or sympathy for her daughter, but that was not the case. She ended the phone call by saying Taylor your sisters causes her own pain. She should have just married Grant.

Stella just shook her head. What else could she do? Her mom was delusional when it came to her and Grant. Megan called a few days after that and said Grant came by her house and asked if the rumor was true, and when she told him it was, he asked how Stella was doing, and Megan told him not good; she's really hurting. Megan expected him to say he was going after her or that he still wanted to be with her, or something along that line, but he surprised her by saying. Can you please tell her I'm sorry? Kelly seemed like a decent guy, and I could tell how much she liked him and how much he liked her. I was secretly rooting for them.

Stella, Violet, Taylor, and even Kelly and Chris were surprised by what Grant said. Maybe Grant was innocent to a certain extent; he did drug her to sleep with her, so he wasn't that innocent, but her mom and April controlled him pretty much. But he did allow them to string him along all these years, so he was guilty for that at least.

Two days after that, Taylor and Chris were lying on the couch, and Kelly and Stella were cuddling on the other couch, all watching a movie, when Kelly's phone rang, an unknown number appeared, and he answered it. Stella choked on her popcorn when she heard him say, I'm good, Mr. Kidd. Her and Taylor's eyes widened as they listened to the one-sided conversation. He claimed he googled Kelly's number and wanted to see how he was. He said that Kelly didn't deserve what the family put him through, and he was truly sorry for the breakup. A few moments later, after Kelly hung up Taylor's phone rang, it was her dad calling and checking in on Stella. Taylor of course told him Stella was still completely heartbroken, but she was dealing with it the best she could. Taylor swears he was crying, like he was really upset that Stella was in so much pain. He told Taylor to give Stella a kiss and tell her he loved her.

Stella's not sure what to think of that-is he being sincere or was he playing her too? It's hell when you truly have to analyze everything your parents say, because you never know when they are being real or playing you.

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