Chapter 6

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Evan stood by the food table, waiting for his wife to return. "So, you like this Kelly guy?" T.J. asked as he stopped beside him. Evan nods, not sure what to say: "I don't."

"Why?" Evan asked as he laid his plate down.

"I don't know; I just don't."

Evan studied him for a moment. "You don't know him, so why judge him?" He didn't really know him either, but what he did know so far, he liked. He was better for Stella than Grant, at least in his opinion. 

T.J. looked at him and said, "I don't want to know him, and after tonight I won't have to worry about him anymore; things will finally go back to normal, and we will be one big happy family again, and my wife will quit bitching so much."

"What are you talking about? After tonight?" Evan asked.

T.J. looked over his shoulder and then smiled. "Action time," he said, laughing as he walked away. Evan watched as he walked toward Kirsten and April, noticing Morgan was heading toward the two too.

"Something's up," he said, then walked over to where they were standing and hid behind the tree. Trying to listen.

Kirsten and April smiled devilishly as they watched Kelly storm off inside the house. "We'll ladies, my part is done," Morgan said as she joined the two. The three stood there, watching the door Kelly had just gone through.

T.J. looked up from his phone. "My part is done too," he said as he hit the send button on his phone. "Message sent." He smiled, then pecked his wife on the lips.

"Goody," Kirsten said as she looked at the three of them. "Everything is falling into place," she said happily.

April wrapped her arms around her husband's waist and said, "Yep, let's just hope Grant does his part." April said, and the others agreed with her.

"Oh, believe me, Grant will be on top of his game. Grant wants Stella back, and he's willing to do anything to get her." Aaron said as he joined the group.

"Yes, that's true, but look at last time," Kirsten said to her husband. "We sent him to New York with a good plan, and he came back without her. I hope he doesn't mess up this time."

"Don't worry, Mom, he made a mistake last time; he isn't dumb enough to make another. He will come through this time." T.J. told his mother-in-law. Only T.J. knows what happened between Grant and Stella that night. He knew Aaron wouldn't be too happy to learn the details of Grant's night in New York. Kirsten, although probably would be fine with it, cause in her book  Grant does no wrong. But he always wondered if she would change her attitude if she knew about the girl Grant cheated with while dating Stella.

"I hope so; then Mr. Severide will be on the first plane back to New York," Kirsten said as she took a sip of her drink. "Then we can start planning another wedding, and I'll finally have my daughter back in Chicago living the life she wants. No one is happy in New York."

Evan shook his head in disbelief. He knew Stella's family wanted her back with Grant, but he never thought they would sink this low. He wondered what the plan was tonight and if they knew what happened in New York when Grant visited. He made sure no one was looking before slowly walking away. He needed to find Violet quickly. He found his wife and the kitchen standing up against the sink.

"I love this family, but damn, I wish they were drinkers; I need some wine." She told her husband as he entered the kitchen," Stella's losing her mind, and I don't know what to do about it. You know she usually has a good head on her shoulders, but this Kelly guy has her wrapped around his finger or wrapped around something else," she said bitterly. "Stella's never been the girl crazy about sex; hell, she's only done it once, and we both know how that turned out. And why is Grant cheating ass here?"

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