Chapter 17

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October and November came in fast and went out quicker. It was now December, the first. Exactly two days till Stella and Kelly say I do, both excited and eager to start a new journey together.

Stella has enjoyed the last two months off work; she didn't think about work, and she didn't talk about it either. Ritter calls her at least twice a week with some office gossip, and to check in on her, Richard will send her a random email here and there, basically seeing if she has the intention to come back at the beginning of the year. As far as that decision is concerned, Stella hasn't given it much thought; she is loving her time away so much. Spending time with Kelly and planning her wedding with Gabby, Violet, and Kelly's mom have been her top priorities.

Wedding plans were done a month ago, everything seemed to be on track except that, strangely, New York hasn't had any snow yet, which is starting to worry Stella. Because you can't have a snow wedding without snow. But Kelly keeps telling her to have faith; it's going to snow soon. He said he knows that the wedding will go as planned, so he won't let her stress.

As far as stress goes, it's been a stress-free two months, not just because she wasn't working but because she refused to let anything or anyone get her upset to the point where she would stress out. The Monday after she took those four pregnancy tests, she went to the doctor's, who confirmed she was in fact pregnant. She was eight weeks along then; she is now sixteen weeks  with her small baby bump kind of showing, and she loved it.

That night, coming home after going after Kelly, she and Taylor had a huge disagreement over their parents. Taylor wasn't too happy with the idea that Stella wanted them to know she was pregnant; she felt it wasn't their business and would only cause drama. Drama that Stella didn't need considering she was pregnant; stress can cause miscarriages. And April and her mom would probably do or say anything to upset her just to purposely cause her to miscarriage. It's a hell of a thing for her to think or say, but she doesn't have a normal mom.

As she and Taylor discussed the pros and cons of telling their family, She realized that Taylor and Kelly were right; her mom and April are living in a fairytale world, and they think Stella is heartbroken over the breakup between her and Kelly a few months ago. Them finding out the breakup was fake and that she and Kelly are extremely happy and getting married in two days with a baby on the way will only cause them to start strategic a new plan to destroy their relationship. And Stella just didn't have the energy to go head-to-head with them again; she wants to continue to be happy, and she wants to stay happy. Even if that means she never talks to them again, she guesses.

She was lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, when Kelly came home from shift. "Good morning, beautiful." He said it happily as he walked into their room. He tossed his bag down and went straight to her. Kissing her softly.

"Good morning, handsome." She replied as he pulled her top up, revealing her small baby bump. He placed a soft kiss. And Stella smiles.

"Good morning, little baby; Daddy loves you." He whispers to her belly before placing another kiss on her bump.

Stella's smile grew. He does this every morning and every night. He was going to be a pretty awesome dad, as she can already tell.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked as he kicked off his shoes and lay down beside her, popping on his elbow. And placing his hand on her belly as he gently rubs it.

"Of course not." She replied as she touched his cheek. "I was in this cold bed all by myself."

"I'm so sorry." He kisses her again, a little longer this time. "Just think you will have me in this bed the next three nights, and then you will have me for two full weeks in Hawaii all to yourself." 

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