Chapter 4

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Kelly walked into the kitchen " Good Morning." He said as he sat down beside Donnie.

" Morning Kelly," Donnie said.

" Morning Kelly, you like some scrambled eggs, bacon, ham, hash browns, and biscuits? " Taylor asked as she placed a plate of food in front of Donnie.

" Sure, I can get it myself." Kelly insisted.

" No, you won't. " Taylor said, " And this household is the women's job to wait on the man. "

" Yep, we don't cook or clean." Aaron said taking a sip of his coffee. " Where's Stella?"

Kelly didn't like it, but he decided not to voice his opinion. " She's in the shower she should be coming in the next few minutes or so."

" Oh Kelly, this is T.J he is April's husband." Taylor said, as she gave Kelly a cup of coffee.

" Nice to meet you." Kelly said as he extended his hand out.

" You too Kelly." T.J. said as he shook Kelly's hand. " Do you golf?"

" I do, I love it " Kelly tells him.

" That's great us men are going golfing today. " Aaron tells him

" Sounds great. " Kelly said, as Taylor smiled at him.

He sat there talking to the guys about golfing and laughing at their stories. Kirsten was glaring at him, but he wasn't going to let her affect his good mood.  In his opinion Stella's family wasn't as bad as she claims they are, maybe she was wrong about her whole family. "Hey guys!" a short brown-haired girl said as she walked into the room.

Kelly figured she was the older sister April or Megan she was about the same height as Stella and Taylor, she was a lot paler than the two. Taylor and Stella both had tan skin, and curly black hair, But April had straight short brown hair, her eyes were blue, not brown like Stella's and Taylor's. She had Stella's facial structure, but that's about it.

"So, you're the so-called boyfriend" she said sarcastically as she walked over to him. Giving him a cold stare.

"That's me" Kelly replied back, extending his hand in a nice mannered way.

"So how much money is she paying you?" She asked without shaking his hand, she crossed her arms over her chest.

"April Marie!" Aaron yelled.

"What dad?" she asked in an innocent voice, her eyes still on Kelly, "I just call it like I see it, I don't get how you two got together?"

"You don't get that we met at a book store," He asked, " You see a book store is a store where books are sold, I like to read and so does Stella, and we..

"I know what a book store is dumbass" she said, cutting him.

"April?" Aaron said again as he shook his head, "Don't talk to company like that, "

"So, Kelly you in my sister are you serious?" April asked as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Serious about what?" Kelly questioned knowing what she was asking, but he wasn't liking her attitude towards him or the way she talks about Stella. Everyone seems to down Stella once she leaves the room, everyone but Taylor, Chris and Donnie.

"Each other, dumb ass..."

"Somewhat?" He really didn't know what to say to her, she was out for blood, he could tell. She had more issues with Stella than Kirsten did.

"Somewhat?? Hmm doesn't sound that serious, but you came to the wedding with her?"

"She asked and I said yes, I like her a lot."

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