Chapter 5

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Stella abruptly sat up and looked at the door. A huge smile appeared on her face. "You bitch," she said as she walked over to the brunette girl. Kelly sat on the bed watching the two hug; just seconds ago he thought they were busted, and he kind of felt relief. But now, as he watches the two women still hugging, he knows the mystery girl has to be Violet.

"So... did we interrupt something?" Violet asked with a raised eyebrow as she looked back and forth between the two.

"No," Stella stated as she pushed her hair behind her ear, totally avoiding the look Violet was giving her. "Kelly, this is Violet, my best friend since we were like eight, and this is Evan, her wonderful husband," she said, pulling Evan into the pool house and shutting the doors. "Violet and Evan, this is Kelly, my fake boyfriend of six months," she jokes, giving a half-smile.

Kelly stood up. "Nice to meet you both; I've heard so much about you," he said as he shook their hands. He looked at Stella, who was looking at the floor.

"You two, man," Evan replied.

"So, Kelly, what were you two doing before we came in?" Violet asked, knowing Stella was avoiding her question.

"Talking," he told her as he put his hands in his pockets, something he did when he was nervous. Which caused a little smile on Stella's face.

"Talking?" Violet asked with a knowing look. "Hmm... It looked a bit more than talking to me. Don't you think so, Evan? They were so not just talking, huh?"

"I didn't pay attention, sweetheart," Evan said with a shrug, knowing his wife was being nosey again. Violet sent him a glare, which he ignored. " So, Kelly, you're a writer." He knew he needed to change the subject, at least for now.

"Yeah, and Stella said you're a music producer," he said, thankful that Evan changed the subject. Violet was still looking at him like she was trying to read him. Which left him wondering if Violet was also on everyone else's side; did she also believe Stella and Grant are soul mates?

"I am." he answered with a nod.

The room went quiet as the four just stood there. "Evan, did Violet tell you Kelly is a car collector?" Stella said she was hoping to break the awkwardness. 

"No, she didn't." He said in a surprised voice.

Stella then turned to Kelly. "Kelly, Evan is also a car collector; you should see his garage."

Kelly's eyes widened, like a kid on Christmas morning: "Really, do you got pictures." Kelly asked in an excited voice.

"You know it," Evan said, as he pulled out his cell. "This one I just brought last week."

Stella smiled, happy that they were getting along. "Violet let's go see Taylor while the guys bond. We will be back, boys." Stella told them as she grabbed Violet's arm.

"Okay," Kelly said as he winked at her, causing Stella to blush, something that didn't go unnoticed by Violet.

"So..." Violet started once they were outside.

"Not now, Violet," she said, as they walked into the main house. She couldn't answer any questions Violet throws at her right now because she honestly doesn't know what to say, what to tell her, or if she even wants to tell her. How do you explain that you feel a connection to some guy you just met a week ago and have only known for a few days? Violet would never understand. She didn't understand it. All she knew was that today while shopping, all she kept thinking about was his lips against hers and wanting to buy a dress for tonight that would leave him breathless.

"Fine, but I will so get to the bottom of it, Stella." She said as they walked up to Taylor's room. Stella just sighed. Violet continued to watch her, knowing that something was going on between the two, and she wasn't liking it one bit.

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