Ch 1: Summer!

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Dipper Pine Pov:

It been a year since the merge happened and a lot change. First the government of almost every world join forces to formed the United International Collision. This UIC have managed to kept the world in order while getting rid of dumb governments that served no purpose for this new world.

Even the supposed magical government once it reveal that they attempt to wipe everyone mind of their existence. Thankfully their magic doesn't work and many of them were arrested for unspeakable crimes against none magical world.

However many felt bad for some magical girls like sailor moon as they used to depend on them. Thankfully those who were cursed are free from cursed related magic. And it reveal that Star butterfly of Echo creek destroy the magic of her dimension thus affected magic once the merge happened.

But that ain't all as apparently there a school called Unity that managed to help everyone, none magical or magical, into this new world which help massively to everyone.

Anyway both myself and my sister Mabel are heading towards Gravity Falls, Oregon to spend the summer with our great uncle Stan. Apparently our parents thought it was a great idea to send us away from Piedmont, California. Especially since our parents nearly had a heart attack of seeing Mabel riding a headless horse with a statue of a duck for a head.

Currently I'm talking to my online friend Dib about his adventures with his friends Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie. Apparently they are a big hit with their web series of studying the new creatures and non-human. Now how I met them is because we share the same love for the supernatural.

Anyway I done some research on Gravity Falls and apparently Uncle Stan turn his home into a tourist attraction Mystery Shack which became more popular after the merge. Which I admit is creative but dumb as most of those attractions are fake however they are bringing in cash.

The town of Brighton which has merged with Gravity Falls, has a portal to a ghost world with the current leader of the ghost world Scratch living with a human family. The ghosts appear in the town and hang out, getting tourists to come to the town. It’s still strange how a midwestern town ended up In Oregon of all places. But that’s not the only out of place town that appeared near Gravity Falls.

There also Equestia county home to both talking ponies and colorful humans, like the old Doug cartoon. Apparently there are three types of ponies living there: Earth pony, Pegasus, and Unicorn. These ponies used to do magic but now they are limited. That ain't all as other species came with them but they have been spread out.

Their rulers are Luna and Candace as apparently the old ruler Celestia have to step down after it reveal that she abandoned her daughter who now help rule Equestria with her aunt and cousin. Sunset leadership have save Equestria from going bankrupt by turning it into a resort while modernized it.

Also there a lot of locations besides Gravity Falls like the Candy kingdom which is rule by Princess Bubblegum who turns out to be a scientist that can create candy. And there are Big Apple City home to baking and Rainbowland home to Rainbow Brite. What I find terrible is the Maw which is a horrible place to lived but non humans and creatures call it home.

Anyway between Oregon and Equestria is Unity which is helping the new generation of settling into this new world. Plus Unity is one of the best school that never went bankrupt or corrupt like Japan education. Also the headmaster Will Ekta is supporting Stan and Sunset which help massively since apparently he's a hero who doesn't have magic. That ain't all as he support the camp where my online friends are going so I can't wait to meet them.

3rd Pov:


Currently Ronnie, Clyde, Lincoln and Dib are entering a bus that have plenty of room thanks to Unity upgrading the bus to handle so many campers.

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