Ch 4: Headhunter.

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Currently Sunset is in the dinning room talking to her adopted parents and many sisters.

Helga Scotdale.
David Scotdale.

Ruth, Flora, Maeve, Isla, Bradana, Murdina, Alana, Oban, Ardbey, Fiona, Assie, Bonnie, Lorna, Mawina, Shona, Nora, Piesil, Shanath, Euspeth, Edme, Freya, Gilbartha, Gesha, Grizela, Innes, Dawntha, Cora, Davina, Kina and Sunrise.

All of them are staying with Sunset after David sold the ranch to a bio-farm.

Suddenly pony version Pinkie arrived and gave them a fliers which say free pizza at the Mystery Shack. So without hesitation many of the sisters grab Sunset and bring her to the Mystery Shack.

At Gravity Fall.

Sunset: "And that why I'm here. But I'm not sure why Will Ekta is here though" she said as she sit beside Dipper and Wendy.

Dipper: "Well he probably the one who got the pizza and Uncle Stan is greedy" he said.

Wendy: "Yeah but my question is how the hell do you have so many sisters despite being adopted" she said.

Sunset: "Mom is built like an amazon plus she survive birth" she said.

Sunrise: "plus this barely everyone as we have 58 sisters in total" she said shocking Dipper and Wendy.

Wendy: "Holy hell how is your parents still sane is beyond me" she said.

Sunset: "Well thankfully mom is 9 feet so she handle them easily" she said.

Applejack (human): "You should see her working as she can beat Mac in arm wrestling" she said.

Rainbow (human): "Yeah! He was sent flying" she said laughing at the memory.

Lincoln: "Wow you got to have the biggest family" he said as both himself and many other campers arrive.

Wendy: "What about you? Last I heard you got ten sisters" she said which Sunset look at Lincoln.

Sunset: "Lucky you" she said.

Sunrise: "btw why are you two here?" She ask looking at Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

Both: "Pinkie Pie" they said pointing to the pony version who is sitting nearby.

Sunset: "Is everyone here just for free pizza?" She said.

Everyone: "yes" they said then Stan got on stage and tap the mic gaining everyone attention.

Stan: "You all know me folks. Mr Mystery! Please ladies control yourselves" he said which many ladies gag.

Ronnie then notice that two mysterious people are standing in the background which she look and see that one of them is wearing a high collar grey jacket that covered most of her lower face and wore a pair of sunglasses with a wide brim hat.

Ronnie: "Who are they?" She thought then look back on stage to see Will Ekta grabbing the mic.

Will: "Yes well. Before the reveal let me tell you that this event is supported by Unity and in the future there will be a grand reveal soon" he said giving the mic back to Stan.

Stan: "Yes well as you know, I always bring the people of this fair town and the new ones since the merge: novelties and befuddlements, the likes of which the world, has never known. But enough about me. Behold... me!" He said then uncovered a cloth which reveal Wax Stan.

Soos makes a fanfare sound on his keyboard, then makes a "Ye-ah! Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-ah!" sound. Two people in the audience politely clap and someone coughs.

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