Ch 5: The hand that rocks Mabel.

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Gravity Falls.

Inside a place called Tent of Telepathy is Li'l Gideon who is in his room about getting ready for his act when suddenly Devour appear causing him to yelp and get frighten.

Gideon: "Why are you here!" He said.

Devour: "Simple. I want you to give this to a girl called Mabel" he said giving Gideon a necklace which he look confused.

Gideon: "Um why?" He said which Devour chuckle.

Devour: "It will allow me to spy on the pines and I'll help you search for that journal which can find in the Mystery Shack" he said which Gideon smirk and shake his hand.

Unity Academy.

Inside the academy is Harry Potter who is having a great time teaching the ex magical younglings about the muggle life.

Ever since the merge his life became chaotic but then came Will Ekta who manages to save him from his abused uncle and Aunt plus he got them sent to jail.

Also the wizarding world no longer exists as Unity have captured everyone involved in the attempt murder of babies for a dumb ritual.

Thus both himself and many others abandoned the wizarding British and join the muggles.

Harry: "Oh great" he said seeing Dumbledore who is trying to enter the academy but the guards are blocking him.

So without hesitation he contacted Will and the two walk to face Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: "Harry! Please you must come and help restore order to what remain of the British Wizarding world" he said only for Will to punch him surprising the old man.

Will: "You had that chance but blew it when you failed to get order to the adult wizards and witches. Plus you only want access to what remain of your riches once the Goblins are given equal rights" he said.

Dumbledore: "You have no idea the chaos that is happening! Grindelwald have escape and took the elder wand!" He said which Will look at him with confusion.

Will: "You mean the wand that I broke once I arrive at Unity?" He said shocking Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: "Are you mad! That wand was the most powerful relic in the wizarding world!" He said.

Will: "Key word was. Ever since the merge all wands and magic became useless. Plus death from your world actually glad I snap the wand" he said shocking Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: "What about Grindelwald and many Death Eaters from Azkaban have join forces with Devour!" He said which Will glare and punch him in the face again.

Harry: "Well it ain't my problem anymore since you adults were supposed to keep the order but now you're just like the muggles you fear" he said.

Will: "Besides what remain of your wizarding world have join the rest of the world like France as they're doing better then what you British wizards are doing especially since you kept secrets from the rest of the world" he said then the two turn to leave.

Dumbledore: "Harry!" He said trying to grab him only to get grab by police and dragged off.

At Camp Lake bottom.

Currently Dib and a few of his friends are in his cabin looking at the magical objects he bought.

For example the Shen Gong Wu items that are deem safe are able to be charged thanks to gravity falls.

Dib: "I can't believe that the magical girls of japan thought they could recharge their magic" he said.

Ronnie: "I'm just glad some of them change but the sailor scouts sure need a reality check" she said.

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