Ch 7: Dipper vs Manliness

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Gravity Falls.

Greasy's Diner a popular diner for both non humans and humans alike especially since it pancakes are simply delicious.

Entering the diner is Stan, Dipper, and Mabel which the look around then sit at a empty table.

The Pines talk until Lazy Susan arrived and ask what they want which reveal that Stan won't buy pancakes because he is lazy and greedy.

Stan: "With the fancy flour they use these days? What am I, made of money?" Stan said only for a piece of a bill shows out of Stan's sleeve.

Stan: "Tap tap" he said hiding the bill into his sleeve.

Suddenly Dipper see a machine called Manliness Tester which say free pancakes as the prize.

Dipper: "Don't worry guys. I'll win us free pancakes by beating that manliness tester" he said which Mabel and Stan look at each other only to laugh.

It was then that Stan reveal that Dipper sing Icelandic pop sensation 'BABBA' which Mabel laugh harder.

Will: "And what so wrong singing a girly song?" He said surprising everyone as they look to see him, Lucifer, and Sunset there.

Stan: "Why are you here Will?" He said.

Lucifer: "For these delicious pancakes but I doubt they are more delicious than my beloved cooking" she said hugging Will arm.

Sunset: "Will invite me since I need a break from ruling Equestria but I'll admit you ain't afraid of singing a girl song" she said shocking Mabel.

Mabel: "What! But Dipper is a boy! He shouldn't sing to girls song!" She said only to wince when Will glare at her.

Will: "He have his taste in music and you have your taste. Beside I'll listen to female songs and sing them" he said shocking Mabel while Stan is chuckling.

Stan: "I completely forgot about that" he said remembering how Will talk about female songs.

Lucifer: "Besides Dipper is still a kid. He'll grow into such a handsome man when he reach eighteen" she said.

Sunset: "I agree after all Flash told me himself that boys Dipper age isn't muscular until they reach maturity" she said.

Dipper: "Thanks for having faith you three unlike these two" he said glaring at Mabel and Stan.

Will: "No problem. So why don't I buy you some pancakes" he said which Stan sigh and agree seeing no harm.

In the forest.

Deep in the forest is Wendy who is reflecting on her so call friends.

Wendy: "Tambry was the only one who stay behind and call for help. The others just ran and leave me to die. That isn't what friends are for" she said.

Suddenly she heard a scream which she run and hide behind a tree to see what going on which reveal that Pacifica is tied up.

Wendy notice that a Mr Handy was scrap and is being place into a truck by four masked men.

Man 1: "Alright men. We got the b_tch and her Robot time to load up" he said only for a second masked man to point a gun at Wendy.

Man 2: "Deer Woman!" He said which the other men raised their guns and shoot at Wendy who was knock out by darts.

North Pole.

Far into the frozen wastelands is a small city which is rule by the evil sorcerer Winterbolt who lost his magic.

Thankfully he is resistance to the cold thus how he survived so long and he rebuilt the small city into a functional city where heat is being produced.

Suddenly Devour appear and with him is two people a child called Chara and a man called Dr Black.

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