Ch 14: Boss Mabel

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Currently Gravity Falls is steadily rebuilding itself from the attack of the Summerween invasion however only six people die because of a bad reaction to the spider's venom.

However while the town rebuilds itself the SCP and Unity are in a meeting to discuss the attack.

Reagan Ridley: "Ok so from what we understand Devour is planning something big and that latest attack proves that he isn't messing around" she said looking at the paper of the Gravity Falls results.

Amelia Buck: "And from what I gather from the surviving villains. It seems these villains have only recently joined Devour group" she said.

Will Ekta: "Thank you ladies. However after giving Pariah Dark his crown he immediately went to personally destroy several of the Soul Society bases" he said.

Reagan: "Ok but what about Bill and Him. From what we gather they are definitely working with Devour since Clockwork got attacked by evil versions of several heroes and the worst part is that they got Dark Danny" she said which Will sigh.

Will: "I know and thankfully we do have means to trap him again but the rest we don't know" he said.


In the Ghost Realm.

Thanks to the Shinigami and the merger, the ghost zone is increasingly unstable with non-stop fighting, this- among other things -brings instability to Dorathea's realm. There's a (big) minority of Aragon supporters who actively fight against her progressive reforms... the recent conflict has radicalized them. The only thing stopping things from getting worse is the return of the ghost king with Dorathea bending the knee to serve him. Calling upon her subjects to fight against the invading shinigami who while losing their powers in the Ghost Zone, and in their world regain their powers. Their swords can still harm ghosts, spirits and other soul-like beings and with them having billions even without their powers they have the numbers. Even if the soldiers weren't much for even the likes of the Box Ghost to beat.

Her advisors suggest marrying someone to give her more legitimacy in the eyes of the more neutral factions and possibly even radical factions. There's only one person she'd be comfortable with but she's too nervous. But she's determined to do what it takes to save her kingdom. All she needs to do is get the paperwork filled out to visit the mortal world.

After going through all the red tape that Walker had set up for any ghost that wants to visit the mortal world. Unlike how it was before the portals to the mortal world still open at random but fewer than there were before thanks to the merge happening. Now the only sure way to enter the mortal world is by the portal that is located and guarded by Walker. Which is the only stable portal into and out of the ghost zone for both sides.

With the ghost king returning to power and him causing every attack by the Shinigami to become defeated. The ghost king made a truce with the mortal world in exchange for taking ghosts, spirits, and other soul-like beings to be locked away. The ghost king would get advanced weapons and keep ghosts of his realm from causing trouble, with the ghost king giving his word as a king which while Dark is many things once he gives his word he will not break it. Confirmed by Clockwork the ghost of time. Now the Ghost Zone has allied with other afterlife worlds to combat against Soul Society.

According to Ichigo Kurosaki who before the merge was a reaper before losing his powers to defeat a rogue reaper, revealed that the Soul Society is attacking because they want to bring all the different afterlife worlds under their rule. And revealed that besides the inner section of Soul Society everything else is a giant slum out of ancient Japan. Where the souls living there have no rule of law just the ones that the gangs make for themselves. They all just stay there forgetting their mortal lives and not even being given a chance of living another life as other afterlife worlds did to the souls they have. And the reapers blindly follow orders no matter what. The only reason why they haven’t done anything in the living world is because once out of their world they lose all of their powers and become human.

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