Ch 2: Tourist Trap

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Dipper POV:

I was busy stacking the shelves with bunch of stuff like candy from the Candy kingdom. Both myself and Mabel are working at the shack for the summer where a bunch of attractions, both fake and real.

For example a Dollar Bill vending machine which is an autmoaton that have a upper body of a man dressed in a old-timey way which can still talk and greet customers.

There even a kinetoscope that shows a Battleship Bay of Columbia before the floating city came crashing down after the merge.

Anyway Mabel is taking care of the live attractions which people are paid to feed: One is a piranha plant, the Scampfire; a spider-like thing that is a living campfire that people buy overprice marshmallows to feed, 5 vampire fruit bats in a large walk-in bird cage, a Jackalope in its own pen and the shacks new guard dog; a orthros named Frank who is a two headed dog from Equestria. There even a striker which Stan used for bio-fuel called Blaze.

Besides the two of us there are also two other employees: Soos the handyman of the shack who can fix just about anything and Wendy who works behind the counter. Also a Mr Handy called Rusty but it was repaired and almost fixed yet it still dangerous.

Anyway Stan did show the both of us around town which I admit is awesome as a lot of places have merge. Sadly there are construction being done so we didn't get to see everything.

However places like Brighton, Peach Creak and Camp Lake bottom are fun places except for the Maw as it terrifying for anyone that ain't ghosts or non humans.

Still it was fun exploring the town despite the fact Devour can attack us but it peaceful so I doubt he would attack this town.

Stan: "Dipper! I need you to go into the forest and put up some signs!" He said giving me a hammer, some nails, and the signs.

Dipper: "Sure but are you sure it safe? After all you heard how the mayor warn everyone about Devour?" I said which Stan frown.

Stan: "... Bring Frank. However remember that if you see creatures to remind them to bring currency if they are interested in anything the shack can provide" he said which I nod then leave.

Once both myself and Frank are in the woods I begin placing the signs up but as I did I notice a girl with a raincoat walking the forest.

Dipper: "Must be the girl that Soos and Wendy told me about" I said shrugging as I won't bother her.

However I came across a pine tree that's covered in moss and mushrooms. The tree drew me in as if I needed to go to it. I didn't know how I knew, I just felt around the truck till i found the hidden compartment that's been curved into the truck. Opening the metal door, I found a machine of some kind inside and I just flip the switch on top of it. Opening another hidden compartment this time on the ground nearby. Looking down into the hole, I saw an old book with golden handprint on the cover, which had six fingers on it. I reached in and pulled the book out, blowing the dust away and began flipping through the book but felt like I was rereading something I had read before.

3rd Pov:

Canterlot Castle:

Currently Sunset is walking the hallway and begin to think why would Faust and others would imprisoned Devour if he only want change and evolution.

Even asking Clockwork didn't do sh_t as he barely remember Devour but all he can recall is that Devour used to be a dimension traveler. Which explains why it took a lot of people to imprisoned him.

Celestia: "Sunset" the pony alicorn spoke causing Sunset to stop then glare at her adopted mother with coldness in her eyes.

Sunset: "What do you want" she said coldly which Celestia flinch.

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