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DOMINIC"I mean, I really don't wanna agree with Alexis

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"I mean, I really don't wanna agree with Alexis. But, I see it. Looking from the outside in, it definitely looks like you and Anastasia are romantically involved."

Angus spoke the next morning as I was over at his house. I groaned and put my guitar down, becoming irritated at the fact that I didn't see how everyone else thought that.

"Really?! I genuinely don't understand why everyone thinks that! Anastasia and I are just friends, we interact like friends!"

"People like me know that. But fans and the public eye won't catch on. Plus, you already know how the world is. They don't think that guys and girls can be just friends. It's always something more to them."

Suddenly, my phone started to ring. I looked down at it, and it was my manager Speed. His real name is Charles, but his nickname is Speed.

"Yooo! What's up, Speedy Gonzales?"

"Haha, very funny. I called because I have a plan for this weekend."

"Which is..?"

"The VMA's are obviously this weekend. Do you know if Anastasia is showing up for sure?"

"She is. Why?"

"I was thinking you guys can show up in the same car together. You know, maybe get some more of the people interested."

And this is why people are always thinking we're together. Because our management teams tells us to do dumb shit like this. And then it causes even more issues between Alexis and I.

It's bad enough that I can't take her because management says so, but now when she sees I showed up with Anastasia? I'll never hear the end of it.

"You guys really think that would be a good idea?"

"It'll be a great idea! No publicity is bad publicity! What do you say?"

Then I just love how they ask me my opinion, as if we are allowed to have opinions about it. It's either do what they say, or consequences.

"Okay, I'll call her up right now."

"Great, that's my boy Dom! I'll talk to you soon."

Speed then hang up, leaving me alone in the room with Angus again. I sighed and shook my head. Angus looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"You good, my G? What's wrong?"

"Management wants me to show up to the award show this weekend with Anastasia in the same car."

"What's the issue with that? Anastasia is sexy as fuck!"

"The issue is, it's going to cause even more problems between Alexis and me! I'm trying to stay on her good side, not push her more away."

"Sorry for you, dude. But I would choose Anastasia any day before Alexis. That's just my take on it. I'm gonna get going so you can figure this out."

"Yeah. I'll see you later."

Instead of calling Anastasia to tell her, I decided to get up and make my way to her house to tell her.

Once I finally got to her house, I rang the doorbell and about a minute later, a younger teenaged kid came opening the door.

"Uh.. hi.. is Anastasia here, by any chance?"

"Yeah, my sister's here. She's upstairs with her nigga, though."

"Really? Should I come back at a later time?"

"Tyler, who's at the door?!"

I heard Anastasia's voice question from upstairs. The Tyler guy looked at me, then turns back towards the stairs.

"Your friend Dominic!"

"I'll be down in a second!"

Shit. What if Anastasia's boyfriend has an issue with me interrupting their time together? I really do not want any more issues than what I have already..

"I can always just come back later on or something —"

"No need to bother. You're already here, right?"

A tall guy snarled as he was at the top of the stairs. He finished coming down the stairs, pushing past me and walking to his car. Anastasia shook her head as she came down the stairs a few seconds later.

"I'm sorry about Jerald. He's just being.. Jerald. What's up though, Dom? I wasn't expecting you to be here today."

"Yeah, me either. I just came to tell you something in person from my manager."

"Oh, jeez. What is it this time?"

Anastasia let me come inside the house, pushing past Tyler.

"Damn, sis! That's hella rude! You ain't even gonna introduce us or nothing?"

"You really doing too much right now. Dominic, this is one of my twin brothers Tyler. Tristian is up in his room sleeping, but that isn't important right now. You can follow me up to my room."

Anastasia guided me upstairs to her room, closing the door behind us afterwards. I looked around her room but then took a seat on the chair she had.

"Nice room."

"Thanks. Now what is it that Speed has said this time?"

"He basically called me this morning, and said he wants us to show up at the awards this weekend together. I'm taking it as also walking the red carpet with each other, too."

"Really?! I just got back on my boyfriend's good side!"

"Yeah, I know. That's what I said about me and Alexis. I can't ever seem to stay on good terms with her. She's going to flip the fuck out."

"So is Jerald! I swear, our managements make it so difficult for us to do anything!"

"Tell me about it. They claim that no publicity is bad publicity. Which, I beg to differ because it is terrible publicity if it's fucking our personal relationships up."

I rolled my eyes, playing with my fingers then looking back up at Anastasia. I could tell she was just as annoyed as I was.

"I swear. With this music industry, we're just gonna both end up old and alone. Single and lonely forever."

"Oh, you're probably right. I mean, what else are we supposed to do? We can't fight it. We just have to wing it as best as possible."

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