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ANASTASIA"Let us fuck this Nigga up! Ain't no way he gonna hit our sister and get away with it! Pussy ass nigga!"

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"Let us fuck this Nigga up! Ain't no way he gonna hit our sister and get away with it! Pussy ass nigga!"

Tyler exclaimed angrily as Tristian was placing an ice pack on where my face was swollen. They were both extremely livid when I came into the house with a half swollen face and a bleeding nose.

"It's not even worth it. Just let it go. We aren't together anymore, anyways."

"Ty is right, Stasia. He can't just go around hitting women and get away with it! Has he ever hurt you before this?"

Tristian looked me in my eyes. I shook my head and held the ice pack in place.

"No. Jerald has never hurt me before this. I think this was all because of anger."

That's when I got a knock on the door. Tyler got up from the couch and opened it, letting Saweetie in.

"The twins called me and told me what happened! Is this nigga serious?! Do you want me to go over there and bust a cap in his ass?!"

"I'll be fine, Sweets. I promise you."

"Fine?! You have a swollen face and a bruised nose! Jerald is going to pay for this shit somehow!"

"Thank you! Exactly what we've been saying!"

Tristian exclaimed. My mind was just running like crazy at the moment. I didn't know what was going to happen next, or what I was gonna do.

"Please, guys. I promise I'll be fine."

"Mhm. Speaking of fine, what are you doing sucking faces with Dominic Fike so quickly?"

Saweetie questioned me with a wide smirk on her face. I playfully rolled my eyes and started to chuckle.

"It's literally just for publicity. Our management teams thought it would be a smart idea to make us be in a publicity relationship for our careers, apparently."

"Damn. So you don't like him like that at all? Not even the least bit?"

"I only see Dominic as a friend. We understand each other so well, but I don't see us being together as a couple. He's not really my typical type."

At that moment, my phone started to ring. I looked down to see it was Dominic falling through a regular phone call.

And of course, Tyler, Tristian, and Saweetie started teasing me. So I got up and went to the bathroom to answer the call.

"Hey, Dom. What's up?"

"Hey, Anastasia. Have you seen the article that was just put out about us?"

"Yes, I sure did. My now ex boyfriend seen it before me, and broke up with me."

And possibly broke my nose..

"Damn. I'm sorry about that. If it makes you feel better, Alexis broke up with me, too."

"Shit. Sadly, we're both single now, I guess."

"Eh. Kinda, kinda not. Due to the circumstances we're both in right now."

Dominic cracked a joke, causing me to chuckle just a little bit.

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

"Promise me one thing though, Anastasia?"

"What's that?"

"That no matter how things end up between us with this, that we'll always remain friends at the end. You're the first real friend I've made since coming into this industry. Angus doesn't count. I would hate to lose you."

"Same goes to you. You're really a great friend, I don't ever wanna lose you. So, I promise."

"Great. What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Nothing much. I have a free day to myself. Why?"

"You wanna come to my brother's concert with me? I mean, only if you want to.."

Fuck! I have to figure out how to make my face look at least semi normal..

"Sure! I would love to come with you to see Alex in concert."

"Cool. I'll let him know you're coming along. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Great. See you tomorrow."

I smiled and hung up the phone, even though I was still in physical pain. I looked in the mirror, still in shock that Jerald hit me.

"You good in there, sis?"

I heard Tyler's voice from the other side of the door. I slowly opened the door, looking at my younger brother.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have to figure out how to make my face somewhat normal for tomorrow. Dominic invited me to his brother's concert tomorrow night."

"Oooh! Guys, Stasia is having her first official date with Dommy Dom tomorrow night!"

"Shut up! Someone just help me make my face look normal. I don't want anyone in public to notice my bruise and swollen face."

PUBLICITY RELATIONSHIP → DOMINIC FIKEWhere stories live. Discover now