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Songs for this chapter:
-Don't by Ed Sheeran
-Charlie by The Red Hot Chili Peppers.
-First by Cold War Kids

Mara's POV

It's been a week since I've told Kuroo that Salem is my daughter and so far it hasn't seemed to faze how he sees me at all. It's been fun being able to be honest with him about my daughter. "Hey" Kuroo says as he walked up to me and gave me a kiss. "Are you and Salem spending the night?" He asked as if he didn't know the answer. "if that's okay with you" I said hoping it would be. "Actually Atsumu called me last night, he wanted to spend time with Salem and I as a family. I can have him meet us at your house?" I asked him. "That's fine, how could I ever say no to that face, but let's stay the night at my new apartment" he said as he kissed me again. "By saying no and sure" I said with a laugh. "Let's go get the little bugger packed up then" Kuroo said as we walked towards the front door of Daichi's house.

"Yo Kuroo" Daichi said as he came stumbling down the stairs, he was still in his PJs. "Hey Daichi" Kuroo said as we walked up the same stairs Daichi almost fell down. "She'll need a pack of diapers, wipes, and a few outfits" I said as I handed the items to Kuroo so he could put them in a bag. "Don't forget bibs, pacifiers, and baby formula" Kuroo said as I grabbed the things and handed them to him. "Why don't you play with Kuroo so mommy can get her stuff packed" I said as I handed her to Kuroo. "Jump" Kuroo said as he lifted her into the air. "Wow! That was so high" I said pretending to be surprised. "Looks like we have a future spiker on our hands" Kuroo said as he tickled her.

"Anyway, if you guys are done fooling around I'm all packed and ready to go" I said as I slung my bag over my shoulder. "Let's go then" he said as he picked up Salem and her Diaper bag. "We're staying at Kuroo's tonight" I said as we walked out the door. "Okay, drive safe" Daichi yelled as I grabbed my coat. "Whatever dad" I said as we walked out and closed the door behind us. "After you my lady" Kuroo said as he opened the door and bowed as I got in. "Thank you good sir" I said as I closed it. "In you go" Kuroo said as he fastened Salem into her seat. And sat her bag next to her. "It should be illegal to be this cute" he added as he planted a kiss on her cheek before opening his door and getting in the car. "How cute am I" I asked him with a pouty look on my face. "You aren't cute, you're beautiful" he said as he kissed my lips and smiled as he started the car.

It wasn't long into the car ride before Salem's giggled went silent. "She's awful quiet" Kuroo said, his eyes fixed on the road. "She's passed out" I responded as I turned around and pushed her pacifier into her mouth. "She looks so peaceful" Kuroo said as he looked at her in the rear view mirror. "Too bad She'll have to wake up when we get to practice" I said as we pulled into the gym's parking lot. "And break" Kuroo said as he turned off the car and gave me a fist bump. "I'll get her out of the car, you go tame whatever hell has broken loose in there" Kuroo said as he began to unbuckle Salem from her seat.

Kuroo's POV

I started to unbuckle her when she started stirring. "D-Dada" Salem slurred as she started to wake up. I froze. Me and Mara had never really talked about who I would be to Salem but I doubt she or Atsumu would want me to be Dada. "Nonono, I'm not dada" I said as I rushed to get her blanket and cover her up before closing the car door and walking to the gym. "Captain!" A slew of voices said as I walked into the gym. "Good morning guys" I said as I passed Salem to Mara. "Let's get started with some stretches while I talk to Mara privately" I said as me and Mara walked away.

"Hey what's up?" She asked as we walked into a closet and I closed the door behind us. "I what to be completely honest with you about something" I said nervously. "Kuroo...what did you do" Mara said as she bounced Salem in her arms. "Well, when I was getting Salem out of the car she called me dada" I said worried that she would start yelling. "I missed her first word" she said as her slight smile turned to a frown. "That's what you're upset about? Not your daughter calling me Dada?" I asked, I was utterly shocked. "Why should I be? Are you upset about it?" She asked me in return. "Well no-" I said before I was cut off. "Then why should I be? I'm sure Atsumu will have something to say about it but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it" Mara said. "I'm glad she has someone she can trust enough to call that, I didn't think she would" Mara added.

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