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Songs for this chapter:
-Fallin' all in you by Shawn Mendes
-This town by Niall Horan

Kuroo's POV

I had just laid Salem down in her crib when I heard Mara ask me to meet her downstairs in the dining room. "What's going on Mars" I asked her as she reached into her pocket and pulled something out and setting it on the table. "What are these" I said as I picked one up and read the positive test. "I'm gonna be a dad, I'm gonna be an official dad" I said as I picked her up and spun her around. "I love you so much" I said as I kissed her and hugged her. "I can't wait believe I actually have the opportunity to make new life with you" I said as I hugged her tighter. "We need to get to bed, we have to graduate tomorrow" Mara said as we crawled into bed, we already ate dinner out so it was a rather easy night in the Kuroo household.

The next day

"I can't wait to hear your speech babe, I know it's going to be great" I said as I kissed her cheek while I got ready. "Same to you" Mara said as she curled her hair. "You look so beautiful, I can't believe you're all mine" I said as I placed a large hand on her stomach. "The shock never wears off by the way" she said as she placed a hand on top of mine and took a mirror selfie. "Good" I said as I walked over and started tying my tie. "I'm good to go so I'll work on getting sis ready for the day" I said as I walked to our room to see a very awake Salem standing up in her crib.

"Look at you, you're a pretty girl" I said as I zipped up her dress. "Mommy picked out a good dress for you, you're going to look so pretty in it" I said as I put her shoes onto her little feet. "I can't believe they told us that we could carry her while we walked, that's so cool" Mara said as she did her makeup. "Towards the end of the year, she did attend a lot of classes with us, she sat through everything that we did" I responded as I grabbed our caps and gown and handed Mara's to her. "Alright, let's go graduate" I said as I grabbed the car keys and we headed out the door to the truck. "Mommy and daddy graduate today, isn't that exciting baby" Mara said as she smiled at our daughter. "Clap your hands of you're proud of mommy and daddy" I said causing Salem to aggressively clap her hands together.

"Shall we" I said as I smiled at her while I pulled into a parking spot. "We shall" Mara responded as we got out of the car and I went to unbuckle Salem and grab her bag. "You got to behave really good in here" I said as I tickled her tummy. "Good" she babbled. "Yes good" I said as I kissed her cheek. "Good to see you guys" Yaku said as he ran over and hugged us and kissed Salem's cheek. "Congratulations on being named valedictorian and salutatorian" he said as he fist bumped us. "Thanks Yaku" Mara said with a smile. "Kuroo and Mara, you need to get in position" a teacher said as we got into our places while I sat our daughter down so we could both hold her hands and walk out to the crowds of people.

"Ladies and gentlemen it's my pleasure to present this year's valedictorian and salutatorian of Nekoma High School" the announcer said as we walked down the aisle and to our designated seats. It wasn't long before the rest of our graduating class was in the room and we all sat down and I placed Salem on my lap with a toy to keep her entertained. "It's been a wild year filled with surprises, memories, and joy. To see you all sitting here after everything you've achieved is a tremendous honor" the principal said as she smiled at the crowd. "Without further ado, I'd like to present this year's Nekoma High School Valedictorian Mara Hyland. Mara is a friend to many and it's been a pleasure watching you accomplish so much this year" the principal said as I handed Salem to Mara and she walked on stage.

Mara's POV

"Thank you for such a kind introduction" I said as I hugged the principal and walked to the podium with my daughter on my hip. "As you heard my name's Mara Hyland and I am honored to be Nekoma's Valedictorian this year and while I'm honored to have the title, I am so much more proud to have the title of mama, girlfriend, and friend" I said as I tried not to cry. "I was 17 when I got pregnant and everyone told me that I could kiss any chance of being known as anything other than a young mom goodbye, I was told that me being an involved parent was going to get in the way of me being a high achieving student. The people who tell you that just because it's going to be hard that it isn't worth it are so wrong" I added. "If you feel it's worth it then it is up to you to find a way to make it happen, the only way your dream can ever be unachievable is if you say that it can't be done" I said.

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