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Songs for this chapter:
-penny lane by the Beatles
-forever and ever and always by Ryan Mack
-old movies by AJ Smith

1 month later...

Kuroo's POV

"Kuroo, you need to wake up, I think I'm in labor" Mara said as she shook me awake. "Are you sure?" I asked her, the last few weeks have been full of multiple false alarms and I wanted to make sure this was actually really happening before I really started to freak out. "Yes I'm sure, I'm ready to have this baby" she said as she got out of our bed and slipped into her slippers. The last week Atsumu has been basically living in our home so that when Mara went into labor we wouldn't have to worry about having to wait for someone to come and watch Salem for us and we could just go to the hospital right away. "I'll let Atsumu know what's going on, I'll be right back okay?" I said as I kissed her cheek and rubbed her stomach lovingly. I couldn't believe it, I was going to meet our son soon

"Hey couch surfer, we are heading to the hospital, Mara's in labor" I said as I ripped his blanket off of him. "She's seriously in labor right now, it's 4 in the morning, she couldn't have held it in a little bit longer" he huffed as he sat up and rubbed his hair. "I'm gonna pretend that you didn't actually say that" I said as I walked back up to the bedroom to see Mara doing her hair and makeup. "Are you fucking serious right now Mars? You're having a baby, not going to a house party. I doubt the doctor is going to care whether you have foundation on or not" I said as I came over to her and hugged her from behind, I could feel her stomach contracting. "Shooting a baby out of my vag is no excuse for me to not look presentable" she said as she put some mascara and lipgloss on.

"Whatever you say" I said as I went to pick up the bags and take them out to the car. "You ready to join the dad club Kuroo" Atsumu asked me. "He's already apart of the dad club, have you seen the way he interacts with our daughter, he's just as much of a dad to her as you are" Mara said as she walked down the stairs and into the living room before sitting down on the couch. "You're right, my bad bro" Atsumu said as he patted my shoulder. "It's all good dude, no hard feelings" I said as I shook his hand. "Hey Kuroo, can you pass me the laundry basket over there so I can fold it really quickly" Mara asked as she pointed at a full laundry basket on the other side of the room. "Are you fucking with me right now Mars, we need to get you to the hospital, not catch up on the laundry" I said, I felt like my eyes were ready to bulge out of the sockets from pure disbelief. "Why, my labor has just started, I won't be giving birth for a while yet?" She asked as Atsumu got up and brought the basket over to her.

"Why are you giving into her madness" I said as I turned my head to look at Atsumu. "Dude you should know by now that arguing with her is pointless, you don't stand a chance of winning against her" Atsumu said as he took a seat next to her and started helping her fold the laundry. "Have you both lost your fucking minds" I shouted quietly since Salem was still sleeping. "Kuroo, This is my second baby, I know when I'm ready to go to the hospital" she said as she balled up a pair of socks. "Dude you might as well give in and help her, maybe watch a few episodes of a show to relax a little bit" Atsumu suggested to me as he folded one of my shirts. "Fine, I guess it won't hurt to wait on the hospital" I said as I gave in and sat on the couch and started to fold a pair of pants. "Besides my water hasn't even broke yet" she said as she put a stack of folded clothes back into the basket.

A few hours later

"Let me start the next load of laundry and then we can head to the hospital" Mara said as she waddled over to the laundry room and started to put a new load of clothes in the washer before she hit the button to start it. "Gahhh" she said as a contraction rocked her body. I was deeply invested in a stranger things episode when I heard a splash of liquid hit the floor. "Kuroo we need to go now, my water just broke" she yelled as she hunched over in pain. "I told you we should have gone sooner, but no one ever listens to me about these things" I said as I hopped over the couch and grabbed on her arm and started leading her out the door and to the car. "Shit, I didn't grab my keys, I'll be right back, don't move" I said as I ran back into the house. "Of course I'm not going anywhere, where we I even go" Mara snapped at me. "Hey Atsumu, have you seen my car keys lying around anywhere" I said as I ransacked the kitchen island.

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