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Songs for the chapter:
-Californication by The Red Hot Chili Peppers
-Paris by The Chainsmokers

Kuroo's POV

The drive to practice after the zoo was so much happier. She had a smile on her face as we sang music together as we drove to the gym. "I love this song so fucking much" Mara said as she reached out to turn up the radio. "Then sing it loud with me" I said as we both started to belt out the lyrics of Californication together. "It's understood that Hollywood sells Californication" she sang as she looked playfully at me. "I really hate to break it to you sugar but we're here" I said as I turned off the car and we got everyone out. "Hi happy girl, are you happy to see mommy and daddy" Mara said as she ran up to Atsumu and grabbed Salem from him since he decided he wanted to have Salem ride back with him. "Hi bubbles" I said as I kissed the top of Salem's head. "She was such a good girl for daddy" Atsumu said as he ruffled Salem's hair. "I'm glad to hear" I said as I held out my finger for Salem to grab on to.

"Thanks for meeting us here so we wouldn't be late for practice Atsumu" Mara said as she gave her baby daddy a fist bump. "It was really no problem" Atsumu said as he gave Salem one last kiss before we walked into the gym and he walked to his car. "Get in position guys" I yelled causing Salem to squeal. "Sorry sweet girl" I said as I ran over to her and kissed her head. "Where's my kiss rooster" Mara asked with a pout. "If you insist, I guess I can give you one too" I said as I placed a quick kiss on her lips. "I really got to practice though" I said as I ran back onto the court. "Nice serve Kenma" I said as I spiked the ball over the net. "Alright everyone, practice is over, just a reminder that I want to see you here at 6:00 am sharp on November 19 for training camp" I said as everyone started to huddle around me. "Yes captain" everyone said in almost perfect sync before starting to clean up.

"Actually there has been a change of plans and we are going to have a team dinner tonight at me and Mara's apartment. Attendance is absolutely mandatory" I said as I looked at Kenma already knowing that he would try and get out of it with some lame excuse. "Yes captain" everyone said as they grabbed their bags and filed out of the gym so I could lock the gym up. "See you guys there" I said as I fastened Salem into the car. "Dada" Salem squealed as she grabbed my hair. "Salem baby, please let go of Daddy's hair" I said as I worked her fingers from my head. "Nice hands baby, be nice to dada" I said as I kissed her hands. "Be nice to Dada" Mara said as she turned around and proceeded to give Salem a look only a mom could give her. "Oooh now you're in trouble, better behave so mommy doesn't tickle you to death" I said as tickled her before I closed the door and I got into my own seat.

Mara's POV

"Ready to go rooster, don't want to leave our guest waiting outside after all?" I asked as I buckled my seatbelt. "Only if you are bitter, though they can wait a little bit longer" he said as he gave me a kiss before pulling out of the parking lot and pulling up next to Kenma. "Get in the car Neko, you don't need to walk why you can ride with us" I said once the window completely rolled down. "Fine, if you insist I guess this is better than walking" Kenma said as he opened the door and got in the car before we started driving again. "How's life been treating you lately Kenma? Things still going strong with Max?" I asked him as I skipped the song that had just started playing. "Life's  good I guess, nothing unusual about it. Me and max are going strong, she's fun to be around" he said. "Why don't you invite her to dinner tonight, we'll pick her up on the way" Kuroo suggested. "I guess I could" Kenma said as he texted his girlfriend before started playing a game causing Salem to whine loudly. I swore I saw Kenma jumped out of his skin. "Is she okay, did I do something wrong" Kenma asked us nervously, you could see the fear written on his face from a mile away. "She's fine, she just wants to watch you play your game" Kuroo said as we pulled into Max's driveway and she got into the car.

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