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Songs for this chapter:
-girl at home by Taylor Swift
-I'm yours by Jason Mraz

The next day

Kuroo's POV

"How's life living with 8 months pregnant bitter Mara" Kenma asked me as we drove to the baby furniture store. "It's intense, last night she had a mental breakdown about everything not being 100% ready for the baby" I said as we pulled into the parking lot and got out. "What all do we need to get" Kenma asked as we walked into the store. "Basically everything, we need a changing table, crib, rocking chair, storage" I said as I went through my mental list of items. "Damn Kuroo, I agree with Mara" Atsumu said as he took a drink of water

"Yeah she's right, you guys aren't ready for the new baby" Kenma said as he grabbed a crate cart. "We also need a car seat for him" I said as we looked at cribs. "This one is nice" I said as I loaded a black wood crib on the cart. "Yeah, I agree" Atsumu said as we continued shopping. "Next up is a rocking chair" I said as we walked to the aisle with all the rocking chairs. "Do you need any help?" A blonde haired worker asked me as she twirled her hair in her fingers. "Yes actually, me and my fiancée are expecting our second baby together and we are needing a changing table and car seats for our cars" I said as I watched her face sour at the mention of my fiancée. "Sure, I'll show you the way" she huffed as she led us to the aisle. "Here you are" she said before storming off. "Hell yeah, be loyal to my baby momma" Atsumu yelled as he fist bumped me. "Mars is a lucky girl to be marrying you and not this knucklehead" Osamu said as he slapped his brother's shoulder so hard that he almost fell. "She really is a lucky woman" Sakusa said behind his mask as he stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Damn, you really told her off though" Kenma said to me as I picked out a rocking chair. "I love Mara and I don't want anyone to ever think I have feelings for anyone other than her" I said as I pushed the cart to the car seats. "I don't anyone will every think you have feelings for anyone other than her simply by how you look at her" Sakusa said. "Yeah, the way you look at Mars is really special" Atsumu said bluntly. "You should get this one, it fits you and Mara's style" Kenma said as he pointed to a black car seat with blue detailing. "Agreed" Atsumu said as I added it to the cart. "I just got a text from Mara to get more bottles and a stroller" Osamu told everyone as we went and got the stuff. "That should be it, let's check out" I said as I pushed the cart to the registers.

"Did you find everything okay" the cashier asked as she scanned the things. "Yes we did, thank you" I said as I pulled out my card and handed it to her. "Have a great day" the lady said as we pushed the cart out to the car. "Glad that's finally over, I hate shopping" Kenma huffed as I loaded the big boxes into the truck bed while he loaded the bags into the cab with Salem. "Heaven forbid Max ever gets pregnant and has the pleasure of taking you baby shopping" I said as we got in the truck. "If you hate shopping for someone else's baby I can't imagine what it'll be like when you have your own kid" Atsumu said. "I'm not having a kid anytime soon, not everyone gets engaged and pregnant a year after meeting their girlfriend just like most people don't have a child at 17" Kenma said as he chuckled.

"When you find the woman who is all you can think about and you don't want to marry her right away there is a fucking problem with you" I said as we pulled out of the parking lot and headed back to my house. "You wanna drink some beer while we put this shit together" I asked Kenma as we finished bringing the stuff into the nursery. "Yes, that sounds nice" Kenma said as he started opening boxes when the doorbell rang.

"Coming" I said rather annoying as whoever was at the door was aggressively ringing the doorbell. "Who the fuck are you" I was cut off by the faces of a middle aged couple standing at our door. "Is Mara Hyland staying here?" The woman asked as she stared me down. "Yes, this is her home? But she is not here at the moment, I can take a message for her though" I said as I crossed my arms. "No, we don't mind waiting for her, may we come in" the man asked me. "Only if you tell me how you know my fiancée" I said coldly. "We're Mara's parents" they spat as my jaw dropped. "Uh, sure please come in. Feel free to make yourselves comfortable" I said as I moved out of the doorway.

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