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Songs for this chapter:
-home by The Foo Fighters
-POV by Ariana Grande
-Home by Phillip Phillips

Kuroo's POV

"Holy shit he's right" I said as I turned to look at my fiancée. "We are going to be leaving this hospital soon and we don't even have a second car seat" Mara said with anxiety. "I'll go pick one out now, I'll be back in time for us to get discharged" I said as I grabbed my keys and headed out to the truck. "Let's fucking do this shit" I said as I started my car and pulled out. "Baby mart is the closest one" I said as I pulled into the Baby Mart parking lot and got out. "Hi sir, is there anything I can help you with today?" The cashier asked me as I made a beeline to the car seats. "No, thank you though" I said as I grabbed a black one and put it in the cart. "New baby?" The cashier asked me as she scanned the car seat. "Babies" I corrected her as I swiped my card in the reader. "Wow, congratulations on your family" she said as I walked out of the store and to my truck. "Let's install this thing really quick" I said as I took it out of the box and hooked it in the truck.

"Good to go" I said as I closed the truck door and hopped into the driver's seat. "Let's head back to the house and pick up Salem" I said as I drove to me and Mara's house. "Hi baby" I said as I walked into the house and Salem came toddling towards me. "Where mama" she asked as she looked around for Mara. "She's at the hospital with Brother and Sister" I said as I picked her up. "You should head home, Kiyoomi probably misses you" I said as I took Salem out to the car and buckled her in. "You're probably right, by baby, dad loves you" Atsumu said as he got into his own car and pulled out and left. "Let's go see mommy" I said as I drove to the hospital. "Here we are, let's go say hi to mommy" I said as I held the 18 month old's hand and we walked into the hospital. "This is mommy's room" I said as I opened the door and walked in. "Hi baby" Mara said as she saw Salem's smile. "Mama" she squealed as she climbed up on the bed.

"Baby brother" Salem said as she pointed at Nova. "No honey, that's baby sister, this is baby brother" Mara said as she corrected Salem. "They names" Salem asked as she gave her mom a kiss on the cheek. "Baby brother's name is Ezra and Baby sister's name is Nova" I told Salem as I sat down and put her in my lap while Mara placed Ezra in my arms. "Ezra" Salem said as she looked down at her little brother. "Yes, Ezra" I said as I kissed Salem's head. "Let mommy get a picture" Mara said as she pulled out her phone. "Pretty" Salem said as she poked his forehead hard causing him to cry. "Sweetheart you have to use gentle hands with the babies" I said as Mara got up and took Ezra out of my arms. "You see how he's crying?" I asked her as she also started to cry. "Yeah" she whimpered as I wiped her tears away. "You poking him made him cry, what does mean when we cry" I asked her. "We sad" she said as she sniffled. "If you don't want to make him sad you can't poke him" I said to her as I gave her a hug.

"It's okay baby, he's all better now" Mara said as she breastfeed the twins. "Hungry" Salem said as she pointed at her mother feeding the babies. "Yes sugar, they're hungry" I told her as I rubbed her back. "Hi guys, well who's this?" Dr Urusagi said as he walked in the room and saw Salem. "This is our oldest daughter Salem" I said as she waved wildly to him. "Well Salem, are you excited for mommy and daddy to take baby brother and baby sister home?" He asked as he smiled at her. "Yes" she squealed as she clapped. "Then let's get the paperwork filled out and send you guys on your way" He said as he handed us the paperwork and we were on our way. "On our way home" Mara said as we strapped the 3 kids into the truck. "Next stop, baby furniture shopping" I said as I drove to the store. "First shopping trip as a family of 5, can you believe it?" I asked her as we put the kids in one cart and grabbed another one to put the baby supplies in. "We got this" Mara said as she pushed the baby cart.

"First up, a crib" I said as I picked up a matching black crib to the one we already had on the dolly. "We also need another stroller" Mara said as she pointed to the two car seat stroller. "Of course" I said as I added that to the dolly. "We need little girl clothes and bows" I said as I walked to that aisle. "Look at this" Mara whined as she held up a onesie that said 'spooky vibes' on it and threw 2 of them in the cart. "Look at the bows" I stated as I grabbed a few black ones and threw them in the cart bag. "God I forgot how much fun little girl shopping is" Mara said as we continued to look at baby clothes. "We need more bottles, diapers, and a shit ton of wipes" I said as I got the items and put them in the bag. "We also need another baby bouncer, bassinet, rocker, and sleep suit" I said as I went and got all the items and paid for them. "You guys are expensive" I said to the twins as Mara loaded them into the truck cab.

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