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Songs for this chapter:
-Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson
-late night talking by Harry Styles

Mara's POV

"Hey the mail just came in and there's a letter for you from Megano college, I thought you would want to read it right away" I said as I handed him the letter. He just kinda sat there and stared at the letter in his hand. "Open it already, I'm too anxious for you to be nervous" I said causing him to jump. "If you insist, just please calm down okay" He said to me as he opened the envelope and took the letter out. "Dear Tetsuro Kuroo, it is with great pleasure that we let you know that your application to attend Megano College of Japan has been approved. We are personally excited to see what great things you are able to achieve under our program's guidance, see you soon" Kuroo read as he started to tear up.

"Congratulations babe, I'm so proud of you" I said as I hugged him and started to cry with him. "Megano college" I said as we just cried together. "I can't believe it" Kuroo said as he picked me up and spun me around. "Have you heard anything from Megano about your application?" He asked me as he sat me down. "I got my letter yesterday but I wanted to wait until you'd received yours before I opened it" I said as I grabbed my letter from the drawer. "You little bitter girl" Kuroo said as he pulled me closer to him while I opened the letter. "Dear Mara Hyland, it is with great pleasure that we let you know that your application to attend Megano College of Japan has been approved. We are personally excited to see what you are able to achieve under our program, see you soon" I read as I started to cry again but this time out of disbelief.

"Congratulations baby, I'm so proud of you" Kuroo said as he hugged me tight. "God I love you, have you decided what your major is going to be" Kuroo asked he as he let me go. "I want to be a Sports law attorney, those are the lawyers that represent sports teams" I answered him. "What about you, have you fully decided yet" I asked him. "I want to be a Public Relations Manager, I want work specifically for sports teams too" Kuroo said as he smiled at me. "You'd be so good at that honey, you've always been able to find the good in people, whether they wanted you to or not" I said as I kissed him. "You'd be a good lawyer babe, you've always been good at arguing with people and winning, so why not make a career out of it" Kuroo said making me laugh.

1 month later

Kuroo's POV

"How's my sweet boy doing today" I asked her as I gently placed my hands on her stomach. "He is rambunctious as ever, just like you, he's always kicking mommy's ribs" Mara answered as he kicked right where my hands were placed. "Did you feel that Mars, he kicked for daddy" I said as I kissed her stomach. "Hold still, I will get a picture" My mom said as she snapped a picture of us. "Go over and kiss mommy's tummy with daddy Sal" mom told Salem as she toddled over to us. "Come here sweet girl" I said as I held Salem up so we could both kiss Mara's tummy. "There's a baby brother in there, mommy has a baby brother in her tummy" I told Salem as I pointed at Mara's baby bump. "You were in there before I met you and your mommy but I loved you even then, I want you to know I've always loved you little girl" I said as I kissed Salem's face.

"I need you to get off daddy for a moment baby" I said as I pulled her off me and checked my phone to see a text saying 'we're all outside and the stuff is all set up and we are ready when you are' from Daichi. "It's such a nice day today, why don't we go outside and enjoy the nice weather" I said as I scooped Salem up and we all walked outside to the backyard. "What is all this, what have you been up to" Mara asked as she saw all of our friends and family surrounding us, there was flowers and food everywhere waiting to be eaten. "Walk with me Mara" I said as I led her under a rose covered arch. "Let me start off with telling you how good of a mother you are and how grateful I am to have you as the mother of my children" I said as I held her hands.

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