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Songs for this chapter:
-Dive by Ed Sheeran
-heart of stone by lko
-Sarah Smiles by Panic! At The Disco

Mara's POV

"You mean to tell me that this is where we are gonna live, you are joking right? Tell me you are joking Kuroo" I asked as I jumped and hugged him. "Yep, this is where we are going to start out as a family. I swear that I'm not lying to you" Kuroo said as he hugged me back and kissed the top of my head. "I cannot wait to live here" I said as I snuggled into him. "Me too babes" Kuroo said as he looked at me lovingly. "We should really get home" I said as I picked up Salem's carrier and walked down the stairs with them. "Before we go I want you to imagine it with me" Kuroo said as he led me to the living room. "Many movie nights with Salem and whoever decides to show up to watch them with us" he said as stood behind me and covered my eyes with his large hands. "I want you to imagine the smell of popcorn and the sound of Kenma's video game when he hides from Max here" Kuroo said as he walked with me to the kitchen.

"Now can you imagine the smells of breakfast on a Saturday morning where we are surrounded by everyone we love" Kuroo said as he leaned on the island. "The aroma of waffles in the air and the sound of laughter echoing around the house in the morning would be happening in here, can't you hear it already Mars" he asked me as he led me to the dining room next. "Next imagine the countless holidays and game nights that would be happening in here, an intense game of uno whenever the fuck you wanted because it's our house and we make the rules here" Kuroo stated as he turned to face me.

"Now let's see what memories will happen upstairs why don't we" he said as he led me upstairs once again. "We would have so many lazy Sundays in this room, only waking up because the sounds of kids running in here every morning would wake us up" he said as he walked to the window. "Could you see us watching our kids play in the front yard from this window" he asked, I could see that he had a large smile on his face. "Yeah I can see that" I said as I walked next to him and leaned up against him. "That would truly be a sight to see wouldn't it" I said as I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "A sight I would only ever want to see with you" he said as he leaned down and kissed him. "I cannot wait to graduate if this is what comes next" he said as he pulled me closer to him.

1 month later

Kuroo's POV

We were sitting in Mara's room sitting on the floor across from each other. "You got this baby, mommy believes in you" Mara said as she held out for her arms so Salem could walk to her. "Go to mommy bubbles" Atsumu said as he held her up so she could try and take a few steps. "There you go" Mrs Sawamura said as she started recording on her phone. "Go get mama" I said as I hovered my hands in case she fell down. I could see Mara's eyes lighting up as Salem slowly toddled towards her. "Good job Sal" Mara squealed as she caught the little girl right before she fell. "I'm so proud of you Bubbs" I said as I walked over and kissed Salem's head. "Way to go slugger" Atsumu said as he ruffled Salem's hair.

"Good job sweet girl" Daichi said as he walked into the room and ruffled her hair. "My baby girl is walking already" Mara said as she stuck her lip out at Salem. "Mama" she babbled as she clapped her hands together. "Happy girl" Mara said as she lifted Salem into the air. "Still can't believe you guys are graduating next week" Daichi's mom said as she wiped a tear from her eye. "Come on gan, don't cry" I said as I motioned for Salem to blow a kiss, something I had taught her how to do myself. "Good job little girl" I said as I placed a kiss on her cheek. "Daddy has to go bye bye now, I love you so much baby girl" Atsumu said as he kissed her cheek and walked out of the house.

Later that night...

"As you know this is the last practice for the 3rd years so I want you all to go around and share your favorite moments about your time with us" I said as we sat in a circle on the gym floor. "I'll go first, my favorite moment was when Yamamoto drew cat whiskers in permanent marker on Kenma while he was sleeping" I said trying not to laugh since I had a sleeping Salem sitting on my lap. "Mara you should go next" I said as I looked over to my girlfriend. "My favorite memory was the shaving cream balloon prank that Lev played on Yaku, that was funny as hell" she said as the next person went. We talked talked talked and before we knew it, it was 9 at night and I had to close up the gym one last time.

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