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Songs for this chapter:
-Ophelia by the Lumineers
-Dancing in the Dark by Rihanna

Kuroo's POV

"They seemed really nice Mars, really genuinely good friends" I said as I helped Mara lug the bags in one hand while I held Salem in the other arm. "You do not even know the half of it, they are my best friends from Karasuno, they are my ride and dies. My true friends for life" Mara stated as we walked into the room and looked at everything. "Aren't the rooms not supposed to be coed, why is our room coed?" Mara asked me out of confusion. "Yeah, typically they are not coed but they made an exception for us since we have a kid together" I said as we sat our bags down in the room and started to set up Salem's stuff. "That is nice of them to do that for us" Mara said as she set our bedding down and started to make the king sized bed.

"Yeah, we should seriously hurry up and get unpacked quickly, who knows what crazy shit those guys are doing without our supervision" I said as I set the shower items in the bathroom. "That is if they haven't burned down the room yet, Kenma gives off big time pyromaniac energy and Yaku craves violence" Mara said as she picked Salem up and bounced her. "No way you are 11 months old already, it feels like yesterday you were in my tummy kicking up a storm" she said as she kissed Salem's cheek.

"Ready to go watch the knuckleheads play volleyball Baby" Mara said as we walked out of the room. "Ba" She squealed as I handed her my ball. "Are you telling me you are gonna play Volleyball like daddy" I said as I kissed her cheek. "Or a be a badass bitter soul like mommy" Mara said as she kissed Salem's other cheek. "Why not both, the bitterest volleyball player Japan has ever seen" I suggested as I tickled her. "Let her be the best of both worlds" I said as I kissed Mara lovingly. "Captain" the team yelled excitedly as we came into their view. "You guys ready to play some ball and kick some crow ass" I said as we walked into the gym.

Mara's POV

"Ready to watch daddy play volleyball" I said as I sat down and helped her stand up on the sideline bench. "Go daddy go" I yelled as Kuroo scored a point. "You really seem to like him" Kiyoko said as she walked over with a short blonde girl. "Yeah, he is a really good guy and an even better dad" I said to Kiyoko. "Dada" she squealed as Kuroo received a ball and set it back over the net. "Yeah, that's my boyfriend" I yelled as Kuroo blocked a ball and it fell back over the net. "He knew that even though he was dating me he did not have to play dad and he wanted to anyway. Not every guy is willing to do that" I added as I held Salem up so she could watch the match.  The match continued on while me and Kiyoko continued to talk about life.

"That's my boyfriend" I yelled as it was announced that Nekoma had won the practice match. As soon as the rooster started to walk off the court I handed Salem to Kiyoko and tackled Kuroo to the ground. "You did it, I am so proud of you babe" I said excitedly as I kissed his nose. "Only because I have the best supporter in the world on the sidelines" He said as he kissed me. "I love you so fucking much Mara" He said as we got up and walked off the court. "I love you too rooster" I said as we walked to the sidelines and got Salem from Kiyoko. "You need go shower, you're pretty rank" I said as I scrunched up my nose.

"But yet you love me anyway" he said as he kissed my temple. "Hell yeah I do" I said as he was running towards the locker room. "Hey, nice tats" a player said as he came towards me. "Thank you" I turned around to see he also had some tats, a few little icons on his arms. "So is that all you wanted or do you have something else to say" I asked him as I hoisted Salem on my hip. "Yeah, what is your name? I would ask what team you're with but seeing how you are wearing a 'property of Nekoma' shirt my question answered itself" he stated snarkily.

"Are you always this much of an asshole to people you just met?" I asked him as I placed my empty hand on my hip. "People have told me I am, why shouldn't I believe them" he shot back. "Good, cause they are right" I retorted. "You never told me your name" he asked me again. "My name is Mara, before you ask it is of Hebrew origin and it means bitter which matches my personality perfectly" I answered him. "I was not going to ask but thanks for the free lesson I guess" he replied. "And you are?" I asked him back. "I am Tsukishima Kei" he responded. "What school are you here with?" I asked him as Kuroo came out of the locker room.

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