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Songs for this chapter:
-idk you yet by Alexander 23
-invisible string by Taylor Swift
-Kiwi by Harry Styles

Kuroo's POV

"This is it, are you ready to meet your son" my mom said as she rubbed my back. "More than ready" I said as I stood beside Mara and held her hand. "I understand this isn't your first child Mara" Dr Urusagi said as he stood at the end of her bed. "No, and it probably won't be my last" Mara said as we put her legs up into position. "Good, then you know how this works" he said as he sat down on his stool. "On the count of three Mara I want you to push as hard as you can" Dr Urusagi said as Mara started to push. "You're doing so good sweetheart" Faye said as she brushed the hair off of Mara's forehead.

"A little bit more Mara and relax" the doctor said as Mara stopped pushing and relaxed. She started panting hard. "Kuroo, I'll hold her hand, you go watch your son being born" Daichi said as me and him switched places. "Alright Mara, on the count of 3 I want you to start pushing again. 1....2....3 now" Dr Urusagi said as Mara began to push again. "You got this Mars, you're so strong" I heard Daichi say as he kissed her forehead. "I can see his head Mara, he has your hair" I said as I started to cry. "His hair is dark, it's beautiful like yours" I said as more tears left my eyes. "Alright Mara, you can relax now" He said as mara started breathing heavily again, she threw her head back on the pillow.

"You're doing so great love, I'm so proud of you" Mara's dad said as he kissed her head. "I just want to meet my son" Mara said in between breaths. "Me too, me too" I said as I walked over and kissed her lovingly. "Alright, we are going to start pushing again, Mara I want you to give the biggest push you can possibly do, can you do that" Dr Urusagi said as Mara got ready to push again. "Yes, I can do that" she said as the doctor told her to start pushing again, I could tell she was getting tired. "Daichi switch with me, I need to support her" I said as Daichi walked over and took my place.

"Kuroo, how is he?" Mars asked me as I grabbed her hand. "He is the most beautiful little boy I've ever seen, he gets it all from you" I said as I gave her a kiss. "Push now, you're almost the proud mother of a little boy" Dr Urusagi said as Mara squeezed my hand hard indicating that she had started to push again. "You got this Mara, you are the strongest woman I know" I said as I kissed her head. "You got this little girl, you're so close to meeting your son" Mara's dad said as he kissed her cheek. "You're almost there Mara, I can see his face now, he's so beautiful" Daichi said as he smiled and started to cry.

After a quick rest period Mara was told to start pushing again. "You can see his shoulders now Mara, you got this" Daichi said as he looked down amazed by the sight of my son being born. "You're doing such a good job baby, keep being the strong bitter woman I know you are" I said to her as she started to push again. "You're so close Mars, I can see his chest, stomach" Daichi kept listing off body parts until a loud cry filled the room. "I did it, I fucking did it" Mara yelled as her body collapsed from exhaustion. "Not quite yet Mara, you still need to deliver the Placenta" Dr Urusagi said as he held our newborn in his arms. "Congratulations on your baby, but there seems to have been a mistake" Dr Urusagi said as he looked down at the baby.

"A mistake? What do you mean by that" she said as she cried from happiness of us having a baby. "There seems to be two babies not one" the doctor told us. "How do you mess that up?" Mara wailed. "My guess is he was positioned in the way so we couldn't see his twin" He informed us. "Kuroo do you want to cut the cord" a nurse asked me as I walked over and snipped it. "Congratulations mama, you have another baby under your belt" a nurse said as she sat the baby on Mara while she cried. "You did it Mara, you gave us another baby to love" I said as I kissed my fiancée. "He's perfect" I said as I kissed my son's head. "Look at all of his hair" Faye said as she smiled at her new grandson.

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