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Songs for the chapter:

- I put a spell on you by Annie Lennox
- take me to church by Hozier
-baby I'm yours by Arctic Monkeys

Mara's POV

"You excited for your first day of learning how to be a teacher" Kuroo asked me as we got ready for our first class of the day. Salem, Ezra, and Nova were spending some time at Atsumu's house so we could attend our classes. "Of course, how about you" I asked him as I pulled my hair into a ponytail. "I'm so excited, I want to be back on the court as soon as possible" he said as he pulled on a shirt. "I like that shirt on you, it makes your muscles pop" I said as I kissed him. "I'm glad you like it" Kuroo said as we grabbed our stuff and walked out the door and got in his truck. "You're going to be the sexiest teacher ever" Kuroo said as we drove to the university. "I'm glad you think so" I said as we pulled into a parking spot. "How could I not" Kuroo said as we got out of the car and walked to our classes. "I'll see you later" I said as I blew him a kiss and walked to the building where my class was being held with only minutes to spare.

"Mara, come sit" I heard a familiar voice yell out to me. It was Sugawara. "Hey" I said as I walked up the stairs and took a seat next to him. "I didn't know you were in this class?" He said as I pulled out my notebook and a pencil. "I wasn't before today, I just changed majors" I said as the professor walked to the front of the room. "Welcome back to early education, I see we have a new face, would you like to introduce yourself to us" the professor asked me. "Hi, I'm Mara Hyland, I want to be a highschool teacher" I said as I stood up. "Tell me an interesting fact about you Mara?" He asked as I racked my brain. "I graduated Nekoma High School as valedictorian while balancing being a teen mom to my daughter" I said as I looked him directly in the eye. "You have a daughter Mara?" He asked me, he sounded very surprised. "I have 2 daughters sir, and a son" I said to him as he stared holes into me. "How old are they?" The professor asked me as he crossed his arms. He looked like he was ready to kill me.

"My daughter Salem is 2 next month and my daughter Nova and my son Ezra are 7 month old twins" I said as Sugawara could sense my nervousness and grabbed my hand. "Good to know, I'll give you some grace since you are raising 3 kids alone" he said as he prepared to start his lesson. "Excuse me sir, I said I was a teen mom, I never said that I was a single mom" I stated as I glared at him. "Oh, I'm sorry, I just assumed that you were doing it alone" he said as a smile crept on his face. "Well you can stop making assumptions from this point forward" I said as I looked at him. "I think we are going to get along nicely Ms Hyland, you all can learn from her" He said as he looked at the others in the room. "In education the ability to stand up for yourself and take no shit is vital" the professor said "without further ado, let's get started shall we" the professor who I learned was named Mr Smith said as he started to talk to us about some basic teaching techniques.

"That was an eventful first day, you really put it in his place" Sugawara said as we walked to our next together, it turns out that our schedules were identical. "Next up is math basics" Suga said as we walked into the classroom and took a seat and waited for class to begin. "Can anyone tell me what X represents" the Professor named Mrs Derano asked as I raised my hand. "You" professor Derano said as she pointed at me. "The answer is 5.4" I said as she smiled at me. "Explain your reasoning" she said as I explained it to her. "Let me see your work" she said as she looked down at my blank notebook page. "Where's your work?" She asked as she looked at me confused. "I did the problem in my hand ma'am" I said as I smiled at her. "Who are you, I've never seen you before" she asked me. "I'm Mara Hyland, I just transferred into this class" I explained to her. "What High School did you attend Mara" Mrs Derano asked me. "I attended Nekoma High School, I was valedictorian of my graduating class" I told her as she stared at me in amazement.

"I can see why you were made valedictorian, that answer is correct Mara" Mrs Derano said as she made her way back to the front of the classroom. "Mara, that question was supposed to stump you by the way, I never expected anyone to be able to solve it, let alone get it right" Mrs Derano said as I smiled at her proudly as the class all looked at me. The rest of the class went quickly and before I knew it me and Suga were headed to the last class of the day, intermediate English. "You are going to absolute crush this class, you were always so good at english at Karasuno" Suga said as we walked into the class and took a seat. "Welcome back to intermediate english, today we'll be talking about the myth of Icarus and Daedalus and it's applied meaning in everyday life" the Professor said as she wrote Icarus on the board. "Is anyone familiar with the myth of Icarus" she turned to face the class as I raised my hand. "You" she said as she pointed at me. "Go ahead" she said as I stood up and started to talk about the myth.

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