Chapter Three: A Simple Favor

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Eliza is still shaken up from the night before, but life continues. While getting ready for the day, she catches herself in the mirror. Glancing over her body, her small, feminine frame, she felt different. Exposed. Violated. Though he barely touched her, Willy had opened the door to something more frightening about men. There was a new reality that people could be vile, evil beings, and she wondered if she could ever trust people again.

    She eyed the cheek that he ran his finger along as he called her an animal. A deer. In her mind, a deer was a coward, and that is just how she felt.

    She took longer than normal to get ready, and so she had to run through the street to get to work. She was already late, but she didn't want to make things worse.

    Bethy was already waiting on customers at a table when she came through the door.

    "Land sakes, Eliza! When I said take the long way home, I didn't mean that long!" she jokes.

    "Sorry, Bethy. Is Joe here?"

    "In his office. He was just wondering where you were."

    Eliza puts away her hat and coat and gets her apron.

    Tying it down after slipping it on, she stands in front of Joe's office door. She knocks.

    Expecting to be told to come in, she is caught by surprise when the door swings open. The familiar greeting of cigar smoke clouds her vision.

    "Eliza..." Joe's voice calls through the smoke.

    "I'm sorry I'm late, Joe. It won't happen again."

    "It better not. Though this is the first time that you've ever been late over the two and a half years that you've been here...Just go on and wait on customers, alright?"

    "Alright. Thank you, sir."

    Joe closes the door and she heads back to the waiter's station to collect a pencil and paper tablet. Another day has begun.


Bethy is starting to notice that Eliza is a little jumpy today. When walking behind her, Eliza nearly jumps out of her skin. Bethy never thought asking about an order would be that surprising.

    All jokes aside, she begins to worry.

    When there is a lull, Bethy waits to catch Eliza on her lunch break. She steps outside to find her at her usual spot, but she's not there.

    Going back in, she sees Clarence working away chopping vegetables for more stew.

    "Clarence, you seen Eliza?"

    He silently points to the pantry. Bethy walks over and pulls the curtain back, revealing Eliza eating a biscuit.

    "What on–"

    "I figured I wouldn't be bothering anyone if I just–"

    "Out. Now."

    Eliza looks scared. Bethy didn't think she was being rude, something is definitely wrong.

    Bethy softens and holds out her hand.

    "Come on, we need to talk."

    Eliza hesitates but takes her hand. Bethy helps her up and they both walk outside.

    They reach the large rock and Bethy encourages her to sit down.

    "Why does this feel like a Deja Vous?"

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